Thadnick Cook III
Master Chef
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Thadnick Cook III |
Thadnick Cook III is the great-great-grandson of the chef, Thadnick Cook Sr. His father, Ulfred Cook, was personal chef to Rasa Mon Fry as was his father Roderick and his father Thadnick Jr. and his father Thadnick Sr. This line of master chef's has continued to serve as personal chef for generations due to the great esteem, and pay they receive.
Thadnick III has the distinction of being a graduate summa cum laude, of the School of Culinary Art in the Free City of Greyhawk. He is also a member in good standing of the Guild of Bakers & Cooks in the Free City of Greyhawk.
Thadnick III has the distinction of being a graduate summa cum laude, of the School of Culinary Art in the Free City of Greyhawk. He is also a member in good standing of the Guild of Bakers & Cooks in the Free City of Greyhawk.
Rasa Mon is an easy master to serve as he leaves all of the details of the kitchen to Thadnick and his staff. When Kallist is hosting a dinner for special guests, such as royalty, is when Thadnick is his most frazzled. She is far more demanding, and scary, than Rasa Mon could ever be!
NPC Stat Block
Str 12 Dex 11 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 9 Cha 8 Com 10
HP: 6 A/C: 9 THAC0: 20
Race: Human Align: LN Sex: Male
Complexion: Ruddy Hair: Brown Age: 35
Eye: Brown Height: 5'5” Weight: 280 lbs
R/W Common
NPC Stat Block
Str 12 Dex 11 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 9 Cha 8 Com 10
HP: 6 A/C: 9 THAC0: 20
Race: Human Align: LN Sex: Male
Complexion: Ruddy Hair: Brown Age: 35
Eye: Brown Height: 5'5” Weight: 280 lbs
R/W Common
Equipment List:
Middle Class Clothing, Leather Apron, Flint & Steel, 1 Lg Belt Pouch,
1 lb Soap, Almoner's Bag, Leather Satchel.
200 gp; 120 sp; 25 cp
Butcher Knife 1d3/1d2
Magic Items
Ring of Protection +1
2 Plum of Extra-Healing (3d8+3)
Watermelon of Etherealness
Special Notes
If forced into combat Thadnick will attempt to use the Watermelon of Etherealness on himself in order to run away. Failing that he can always use it as a shield, thus making his opponents weapon ethereal and useless. If he can avoid combat he will do so. He is protective of his kitchen staff and will not tolerate interference in the kitchen from anyone except maybe Kallist, because she scares him and frankly the entire staff.
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