Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Magic Items: Wand of Alignment Alteration

Wand of Alignment Alteration

6,000 xp; 50,000 gp

     This dangerous and powerful wand was first created accidentally by the wild mage Adegoke Aminda. Instead of following the usual tedious process of making a magical item Adegoke thought she could just infuse a wand with a wild surge while in a wild magic zone and get a Wand of Wonder. After she was done being resurrected by her comrades she began experimenting the first Wand of Alignment Alteration. After using it three or ten times (who's really counting anyway?) her group died at the hands of a now chaotic evil unicorn. When this abomination was destroyed the wand came to be in the possession of the Monks of Candlekeep. Later false acolytes of Candlekeep stole the wand and divined a way to make copies of this item.

     This wand alters the alignment of the victim to any chosen by the wielder. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. wand, Wis bonus applies, to avoid the effects of the wand. Magic resistance is only half as effective against this powerful item. This change in alignment is permanent, a second application from this wand cannot affect the same victim, nor will a Helm of Opposite Alignment. A wish spell can change a victim back to their original alignment. Thankfully this wand cannot be recharged and begins play with only 13 charges maximum.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Magic Items: Jar of Lightning Elemental Binding

Jar of Lightning Elemental Binding

9,000 xp; 2,000 gp

A Klienbroek Jar


     This odd magical item was first created by the protégé of famed planar explorer Audo Von Gueridorf, Pietald Von Klienbroek. This item and Gueridorf's Ball of Lightning Elemental Summoning are the most famous of these types of creations. This particular item consists of a glass jar filled with some kind of alchemical liquid with an engraved iron nail driven through the cork.


     The jar must be held in one hand and the user must then be attacked by a Lightning Elemental. The elemental's attack against the bearer of this jar will cause the item to activate and the elemental will be trapped within the alchemical mixture. If the nail is touched or disturbed in any way the elemental bound within can try to escape, it must succeed in a save vs rod at a -1 per Hit Dice of the elemental. If it fails to succeed then a portion of its essence is lost and it loses a single Hit Dice. This causes damage to whomever touches the nail, 1d6 damage.
     Elementalist wizards have been experimenting with these jars to learn more about the properties of a lightning elemental. Information about Lightning Elementals can be found in the Plansescape Monstrous Compendium (TSR 2635), and here.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Magic Items: Ball of Summoning Lightning Elementals

Ball of Summoning Lightning Elementals

4,000 xp; 25,000 gp
Ball of Summoning Lightning Elementals


     This odd magical item was first created by famed planar explorer Audo Von Gueridorf. This item along with the Jar of Lightning Elemental Binding created by his protégé, Pietald Von Klienbroek are the most famous of these types of creations. This particular item consists of a large sulphur ball mounted on a wooden frame. The hand crank on the side is turned by one person as another holds a long iron rod covered with a piece of black wool.


     The turning of the ball with the wool just touching it lightly must be maintained for one turn per Hit Dice of the elemental being summoned (6HD, 9HD, or 12HD). Failure means that the elemental is not summoned and everyone within 10' is hit with a bolt of lightning for the same number of dice as the attempt was to summon (6d6, 9d6, or 12d6 respectively). To determine success the DM secretly rolls a d20 against the Constitution of the weaker participant.
     Success mean that a Lightning Elemental has been summoned and will act at the command of the rod holder. Information about Lightning Elementals can be found in the Plansescape Monstrous Compendium (TSR 2635), and here.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Magic Items: Ring of Everyspeech

Ring of Everyspeech

1,000 xp; 5,000 gp

     These rings were first created by Rasa Mon Fry as a show of his skill to get him into the Society of the Luminiferous Aether of Sigil on the Outlands. He gave not only the rings but the secret of their construction to the other members. These useful items have become somewhat fashionable in Sigil among the Touts of the city. Spies on many other planes have been eager to get their hands on them as well.


     The wearer can expend a charge to allow them to speak any language that they can hear, similarly to the tongues spell except that the user can also use it to program the language of a specific animal or plant species into it. Once a charge is expended that language becomes programmed into the ring permanently. Each ring begins with 12 charges and cannot be recharged. 75% of rings found will have 2d4 charges expended, the languages programmed into the ring will usually be one of the following: Bariaur, Common, Dragon, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Hobbit/Halfling, Modron. Of course what languages are programmed are up to the DMs discretion.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NPCs: Thadnick Cook III, Master Chef

Thadnick Cook III
Master Chef

Thadnick Cook III


     Thadnick Cook III is the great-great-grandson of the chef, Thadnick Cook Sr. His father, Ulfred Cook, was personal chef to Rasa Mon Fry as was his father Roderick and his father Thadnick Jr. and his father Thadnick Sr. This line of master chef's has continued to serve as personal chef for generations due to the great esteem, and pay they receive.
     Thadnick III has the distinction of being a graduate summa cum laude, of the School of Culinary Art in the Free City of Greyhawk. He is also a member in good standing of the Guild of Bakers & Cooks in the Free City of Greyhawk.
     Rasa Mon is an easy master to serve as he leaves all of the details of the kitchen to Thadnick and his staff. When Kallist is hosting a dinner for special guests, such as royalty, is when Thadnick is his most frazzled. She is far more demanding, and scary, than Rasa Mon could ever be!

NPC Stat Block

Str 12  Dex 11   Con 10   Int 10   Wis 9   Cha 8   Com 10
HP: 6   A/C: 9     THAC0: 20

Race: Human                    Align: LN          Sex: Male
Complexion: Ruddy           Hair: Brown     Age: 35
Eye: Brown                       Height: 5'5”      Weight: 280 lbs




R/W Common

Equipment List:

Middle Class Clothing, Leather Apron, Flint & Steel, 1 Lg Belt Pouch,
1 lb Soap, Almoner's Bag, Leather Satchel.


200 gp; 120 sp; 25 cp


Butcher Knife 1d3/1d2

Magic Items

Ring of Protection +1
2 Plum of Extra-Healing (3d8+3)
Watermelon of Etherealness

Special Notes
     If forced into combat Thadnick will attempt to use the Watermelon of Etherealness on himself in order to run away. Failing that he can always use it as a shield, thus making his opponents weapon ethereal and useless. If he can avoid combat he will do so. He is protective of his kitchen staff and will not tolerate interference in the kitchen from anyone except maybe Kallist, because she scares him and frankly the entire staff.

Friday, October 13, 2017

NPCs: Mr. Gregarious, First Mate of the Fromage Puant

Mr. Gregarious

First Mate of the Fromage Puant

Mr. Gregarious


     Mr. Gregarious is the first mate of the pirate vessel the Fromage Puant, captained by Cheebeard, Goblin King of Pirates. Though he seems harmless, even for a six foot tall stuffed bear, he is not. The crew of the Fromage Puant follow his orders to avoid his dreaded hug. He is animate, quite strong and intelligent, but does not speak. He communicates with the crew through sign and gesturing. His orders are rarely misunderstood because the penalties are dangerously steep. First time offenders will lose out on a share of the next pay out. A second offense gets time in the brig, a third gets a hug from Mr. Gregarious (see Combat section).
     Mr. Gregarious is fiercely loyal to Cheesebeard as he saved him from the Candy Witch of Upside Down Island. Cheesebeard also has a special ring that can heal Mr. Gregarious if he becomes damaged, it is a Ring of Spell Storing with mending, cantrip, and unseen servant.

NPC Stat block

Primary Class
Doll Golem
XP Value
A/C: 4HD: 10HP:  40THAC0: 11#Att: 1 Dmg: 3d6MR: 25%Size: MMove: 15

     Mr. Gregarious is a large animated stuffed teddy bear. As a doll golem he is, like all similar creatures, immune to almost all magical attacks. He can be harmed by fire-based spells, although these do only half damage, while a warp wood spell will affect Mr. Gregarious as if it were a slow spell. A mending spell restores him to full hit points at once.
     Each round, Mr. Gregarious will leap onto a victim and attempts to hug it. Success inflicts 3d6 points of damage and forces the victim to save versus spells. Failure to save causes the victim to begin to laugh uncontrollably (as if under the influence of a Tasha’s uncontrollable hideous laughter spell) and become unable to perform any other action. The effects of his hugs are far worse, however. The victim begins to laugh on the round after the failed save. At this time, they take 1d4 points of damage from the muscle spasms imposed by the laughter. On following rounds, this increases to 2d4, then 3d4, and so on.
     The laughter stops when the character dies or receives a dispel magic. Following recovery, the victim suffers a penalty on all attack and saving throws of -1 per round that they were overcome with laughter (e.g., four rounds of uncontrolled laughter would equal a -4 penalty on attack/saving throws). This represents the weakness caused by the character’s inability to breathe and is reduced by 1 point per subsequent turn until the character is fully recovered.


     Mr. Gregarious was first created by my eldest daughter when she was but nine years old. After a series of four adventures involving Cheesebeard and Mr. Gregarious she had retired the NPCs. I recently got permission to revive and revise the NPC you see posted here.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

NPCs: Cheesebeard, Goblin King of Pirates

Cheesebeard "Goblin King of Pirates"

Bust by LeBeN, not used with permission.


     Cheesebeard is the captain of the pirate vessel Fromage Puant. He, along with his first mate Mr. Gregarious, is the most wanted criminal of the high seas. His crew has been responsible for nearly three dozen captures of vessels from four different nations. The pirates will take anything of value from the captured vessel, then kill all of the crew except for one person. That person will be marooned in order to tell the tale to others, thus enhancing Cheesebeard's reputation.


     Cheesbeard's first mate, Mr. Gregarious, is a large stuffed toy bear. He is animate, quite strong and intelligent, but does not speak. He communicates with the crew through sign and gesturing.
     Cheesebeard's crew is a collection of many races. His first mate Mr. Gregarious keeps order among the crew and doles out assignments as well as punishments. Most of his crew are sailors of captured vessels, impressed into service. After their first battle with another vessel they are considered to have gone on account, if they perform well, and will thereafter be a member of Cheesebeard's crew. Crew who go on account are given a share of all loot gathered. Officers get two shares, Mr. Gregarious gets three shares, and Cheesebeard gets four shares.

     The authorities are searching for Cheesebeard's hideout, as well as the Fromage Puant. The Great Terror of the Minotaurs Lord of the Seas, King Keres has even gone so far as to put a bounty of five fully laden, equipped and manned Minotaur ships to whomever can bring him Cheesebeard's head.

     The thing that makes Cheesebeard so difficult to apprehend is that he has a couple of magic items that keep him steps ahead of his adversaries. Cheesebeard has an Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location and a Hat of Disguise, to keep him hidden from his enemies. He has a Telescope of Seeing that allows him to see things that are many miles away, even over the horizon! Lastly, he has a full length Magic Mirror that can show him things far distant, through time and space. He gets a clear image with sounds and even scents. It can even transport him to the viewed area for a short duration. This mirror is his most secret and important treasure.

NPC Stat block

Primary Class
Pirate Captain
A/C: 2HD: 9+3HP:  52THAC0: 11#Att: 3/2 rDmg: 1d6+4Scrye: 18%Size: SMove: 6
Str: 16Dex: 16 Con: 10 Int: 15 Wis: 15 Cha: 17 Com: 8
PPDM: 8 RSW: 10 PP: 9 BW: 9 OS: 11 Fear: 7Horror: 14Madness: 14

      Cheesebeard is a civilized goblin originally from the island province of Scali of the Empire of Ralifon. He was born into the Rosso Spina family of Scali. This family specialized in Ainuzzi cheeses. Not satisfied with a life as a mere Cheesemonger and crime boss like his father, he instead chose to go to sea and become a sailor. The first time out as an Imperial Sailor the vessel he was assigned to was captured by the pirate Wendral Xusleng, a minor nuisance of a pirate. After he joined Xusleng's crew he found that pirate life suited him well. After convincing the crew that Wendral was taking a greater share than was agreed upon he led a very successful mutiny. Once installed as captain he rechristened the vessel the Fromage Puant and began the most successful and well known pirate career to date.
      Cheesbeard fights with a magical rapier (+2) he calls Spine-sever and wears magical studded leather armor (+2). He is a ruthless and efficient fighter, never much of a showy fighter, he prefers combat on a ship to battle on land (he gets a bonus of +3 to attacks on a ship and a -4 to attacks on dry land).
     When he is disguised and traveling to destinations he has viewed through his mirror he will act appropriately to the persona he is using. He has become very well experienced in acting and disguise. These trips serve to allow him to gather intelligence on perils his crew may face or threats to his own life.


     Cheesebeard was first created by my eldest daughter when she was but nine years old. After a series of four adventures involving Cheesebeard she had retired the NPC. I recently got permission to revive and revise the NPC you see posted here.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Monsters: Rasa Mon's Bushman

Rasa Mon's Bushman

Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: None
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Special, Photosynthesis

Intelligence: Non-0
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 10
Movement: 0
Hit Dice: ½
THAC0: 20
No. of Attacks: 1d4
Damage/Attack: None
Special Attacks: Special
Special Defenses: None
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: S to L (2' to 12')
Morale: Nil
XP Value: 15

     Rasa Mon's Bushman is a magically created monstrous plant that spreads its seeds through contact with animals. This creation by Rasa Mon was an attempt to fuse animals and plants together in order to make each stronger. It did not work exactly as he had planned, but was better than expected.

Combat: The bushman has stone thorns with pressurized needle-seeds that burrow deep into the flesh. The needles have an anesthetic property so that the victim is unaware of the seed that has hit them. Thick insulating clothing, such as that worn for warmth in cold climates, and any form of armor will keep the bushman seeds from penetrating the flesh of a victim.
     Rasa Mon's Bushman has very sensitive leaves that detect light and movement. When a viable candidate is within 15 feet of the bushman 1d4 thorns aim at the victim and release a needle-seed each. A viable candidate for seeding must be an animal that is at least size S and no greater than size L (2' to 12' respectively). When a thorn fires a needle-seed there is a noticeable, but not loud, popping sound (much like a single kernel of popcorn popping).

Habitat/Society: Rasa Mon's Bushman can survive in most any climate that receives at least 5 hours of sunlight on a daily basis and has a modicum of water (equivalent to about ½ an inch per month). Once a bushman has been planted it will produce seeds for about 75 years. The total lifespan for a bushman, in favorable conditions, is around 450 to 500 years.

Ecology: The needle-seed of Rasa Mon's Bushman uses the blood vessels of the victim to grow tendrils throughout the body in order to gather as many nutrients as possible. At first, the seedling strengthens the victim making them more resistant to injury (increasing their Hit Point score by 2d4 points) and affording them greater physical strength (increasing their Strength score to 20). This process takes 1d4 weeks to complete.
     Once the process is complete the victim will move more and more slowly (losing 1 point of their move score at a rate of 1 per 1d4 months) and require more food and water (half as much more than usual). The victim will have a great desire to be in the sunlight as much as possible in order to help feed the seedling. A side benefit of having a seedling bushman in a creature, is that said creature requires less air than normal (they can hold their breath for twice as long as normal).
     When the victim can move no more, their skin will peel away and leaves will unfurl. At which time the bushman plants itself into the ground and is then ready to strike another victim with its needle-seeds.
     If a person infested by Rasa Mon's Bushman receives a restoration spell before they reach a move of 0 the plant will be killed and they will return to normal (no bonus Hit Points or increased Strength). Cure disease will have no effect on a seedling bushman. Once the infested person reaches a move of 0 only a resurrection, limited wish or wish can restore them to normal. A reincarnation spell has its normal affects on a person transformed by a bushman.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Magic Items: Grand Ring of Life

The Grand Ring of Life

1,500 XP, 7,500 GP


     When Rasa Mon first found himself on the world of Athas, he was confronted by an unusual form of wizard, a defiler. With the first spell this defiler cast, Rasa Mon's phytokinoesian servants were killed. When he moved too close to the defiler during spell casting he himself was severely wounded by the blood in his arm being turned into ash (he has a permanent Transmute Blood to Sap effect on him). Once he realized that he had to stay away from the ever expanding circle of ash he was able to defeat the defiler. After that battle he was always very careful around Athasian wizards.
     Later he discovered a Ring of Life. When he studied its properties and figured out how to make more of the items he started work on how to improve the rings. Thus he came up with the Grand Ring of Life. One of the most important pieces of the ring is that it is made from a Tree of Life. This is what makes the ring more powerful than its cousin.
     There are only a score of these rings in existence. Rasa Mon can teach other wizards how to make these rings. He can be summoned by an Amulet of Rasa Mon.


     This item protects the wearer from the effects of defiling magic. When worn, the character is immune to the initiative point loss incurred when in the destructive diameter of a defiler’s spell. This ring also protects plant and animal life within five feet of the wearer. The grand ring of life also bestows upon its wearer regenerative powers; the wearer heals one hit point per turn and it will restore lost limbs. The grand ring of life will protect its wearer from the dragon's defiling magic.
     If this item is worn by a defiler wizard any damage to the environment that spell casting would normally do is reduced up to a total of 30 spell levels per week. After that time the ring will not function in any capacity for a week while the ring regenerates itself.