Sunday, January 21, 2018

Magic Items: Tomes of Knowledge

Tomes of Knowledge

XP Value 3,000; GP Value 30,000.

Picture by funkeymunkey17, not used with permission.


     The first known examples of these tomes come from the old Saxaran kingdom of Shem and were scribed on several clay tablets placed together by fine copper wire. Later versions have been found written on papyrus during the unified kingdom and more contemporary versions are usually written on fine vellum pages that are bound into books.
     These rare tomes are prized by their owners for they can be used to give the user a complete set of skills within a specific field, as if they had just finished a full apprenticeship under a master of the field. In game terms, they grant the user a set of proficiencies that would be available as if they had the secondary skill.


     There are various Tomes of Knowledge, each one is distinct from another, but they all follow the same governing principles. Like all magical books these appear to be "normal'' works of lore. Each is indistinguishable from all others by visual examination of the outer parts or by detection for magic aura.
     A wish spell can identify or classify a magical work. Other spells such as commune, contact higher planes, limited wish, and true seeing are useless. A wish reveals the general contents of a book. A second wish is required to determine the book's exact contents. If the DM chooses, after being perused by a character, these magical works vanish forever.
     Uniquely these works can be used by any person or class that can understand the contents. Those persons who do not know how to read are able to understand the works and practice the skills within.
     Below is a list of several different Tomes of Knowledge. Each one grants the user the listed proficiencies as if they had spent the required slots to learn them. Once the user completes a specific tome that tome will no longer work for them though others with different skills may do so, at the DMs discretion.

List of Known Works

     Below is far from a complete list for these tomes. Feel free to add more tomes to the list as needed or wanted for your campaign.
  • Usurer's Ledger: Appraising, Basic Mathematics, Read & Write Native Tongue.
  • Weiland's Curaiss: Armorer, Appraising.
  • Diplomat's Treaty: Observation, Oratory, Read & Write Foreign Language.
  • Materia Medica: Healing, Herbalism.
  • Ju Yuan Hao's Flechery: Bowyer/Fletcher.
  • Fukawa's Garden: Agriculture, Flower Arranging.
  • Old Man Sea: Fishing, Boating.
  • Ilm al-Jabr Wa'l Muqabalah: Mathematics, Engineering, Read & Write Native Language.
  • The Atharvaveda: Fortune Telling, Fast-Talking.
  • Treatise on Precious Stones: Mining, Stonemasonry.
  • Tsai Lun's Paper Techniques: Paper-Maker, Read & Write Native Tongue, Seamstress/Tailor.
  • Almagest: Seamanship, Navigation, Swimming, Astronomy.
  • Xi Yuan Lu (Washing Away of Wrongs): Anatomy, Entomology, Law, Observation.


     Most of the skills are loosely based on those listed in the PHB under Secondary Skills. An expanded list of secondary skills that I personally use in my games is listed below. To use the charts the player or DM rolls a d6 and d100. The results of the d6 determine which of the three charts to use, 1-2 uses the first chart, 3-4 the second, and 5-6 the last. The percentage roll determines which skill the character possesses on that chart. These are by no means exhaustive

Secondary Skills (1-2)% RollProficiencies
Armorer01 to 02Armorer

Bowyer/Fletcher03 to 04Bowyer/Fletcher
Farmer05 to 10Agriculture
Fisher11 to 14Fishing

Forester15 to 20Survival (Woodland)

Gambler21 to 23Gaming
Groom24 to 27Animal Handling
Hunter28 to 32Survival (Woodland)


Jeweler33 to 34Appraising

Gem Cutting

Leatherworker35 to 37Leatherworking
Limner/Painter38 to 39Appraising


Read/Write, Native Tongue
Mason40 to 42Stonemasonry
Miner43 to 44Mining

Navigator45 to 46Seamanship



Sailor47 to 49Seamanship

Scribe50 to 51Read/Write, Native Tongue

Shipwright52 to 53Seamanship


Tailor/Weaver54 to 56Seamstress/Tailor
Teamster/Freighter57 to 59Animal Handling

Trader/Barterer60 to 62Appraising

Trapper/Furrier63 to 66Survival (Woodland)

Set Snares

Weaponsmith67 to 68Weaponsmithing

Woodworker/Carpenter69 to 71Carpentry

No Skill of Measurable Worth72 to 85
Roll Twice (Reroll and result of 86-00)86 to 00

Secondary Skills (3-4)% RollProficiencies
Apothecarist01 to 02Healing

Astrologer03 to 04Astrology

Weather Sense
Baker05 to 10Cooking
Barrister11 to 14Law


Read/Write, Native Tongue
Bookbinder15 to 20Seamstress/Tailor

Read/Write, Native Tongue

Brewer21 to 23Brewing
Butcher24 to 27Butchering
Candlemaker28 to 32Candlemaking

Animal Lore (Bees)
Cartwright33 to 34Carpentry

Cobbler35 to 37Cobbling

Cooper38 to 39Carpentry

Dyer40 to 42Herbalism

Falconer43 to 44Animal Lore (Birds)

Animal Handling (Birds)

Animal Training (Birds)
Glassblower45 to 46Fire-Building


Hatter47 to 49Seamstress/Tailor

Interpreter50 to 51Languages, Modern

Read/Write, Native Tongue

Read/Write, Foreign Tongue
Locksmith52 to 53Locksmithing
Messenger54 to 56Read/Write, Native Tongue

Direction Sense

Riding, Land-based
Moneylender57 to 59Appraising


Read/Write, Native Tongue
Potter60 to 62Pottery
Rat Catcher63 to 66Appraising

Pest Control
Shepard67 to 68Animal Lore (Rodents)

Animal Handling

Survival (Grasslands)
Undertaker69 to 71Anatomy


Stone Carving
No Skill of Measurable Worth72 to 85
Roll Twice (Reroll and result of 86-00)86 to 00

Secondary Skills (5-6)% RollProficiencies
Architect01 to 02Numeracy


Read/Write, Native Language
Artist/Painter03 to 04Painting
Bricklayer05 to 10Bricklaying
Barber11 to 14Grooming
Cartographer15 to 20Read/Write, Native Language


Cheesemonger21 to 23Cheesemaking
Cook24 to 27Cooking
Diplomat28 to 29Oratory

Read/Write, Native Language

Engineer30 to 32Numeracy


Read/Write, Native Language
Engraver33 to 34Metalworking

Fortune-Teller35 to 37Fortune Telling
Furrier38 to 39Seamstress/Tailor

Pelt Working
Gardener40 to 42Agriculture

Grain Merchant43 to 44Appraising


Herald45 to 46Oratory

Read/Write, Native Language

Herbalist47 to 49Agriculture


Survival (Woodland)
Midwife50 to 51Anatomy

Peddler52 to 53Appraising




Read/Write, Native Language
Playwright55 to 56Read/Write, Native Language


Politician57 to 59Read/Write, Native Language

Local History

Porter/Coolie60 to 62Direction Sense
Servant63 to 66Any 1 Domestic Skill
Storyteller67 to 68Ancient History

Local History

Tobacconist69 to 71Herbalism


No Skill of Measurable Worth72 to 85
Roll Twice (Reroll and result of 86-00)86 to 00

Monday, January 15, 2018

Locations: Province of Castroflumine, Empire of Ralifon

Province of Castroflumine

Empire of Ralifon


     Castroflumine is a relatively new province of the empire. It was commissioned by Regent Eleazar thirty years ago in P.U. 1069. He had the Societatem Magis working to create not only the gates but also build the Októgono Froúrio. This central part of the province is accessible only via the Gates. Part of building the Októgono Froúrio involved raising the walls from the ground itself and the entire complex was created using powerful magics. The keep to the south is known as the Mágoi Kratoún and is one of the strongholds for the Societatem Magis.
     This nearly mountainous area is slowly being populated by enterprising former Legionnaires and their families, as well as those recently granted citizenship. Castroflumine as a newer province has lots of places for the expansion of the City of Qidron.


     The fourteen Gates of Castroflumine lead to the interior and exterior of the Októgono Froúrio as well as Astakus, Bazle, Benuo, Caesai Oculis, Danue, Erilaus, Lunbeim, Mons Domus, Qidron-Forum Meridianam, Qidron-Forum Orientem, Qidron-Forum Sepentrio, and Qidron-Templum.

Temples and Shrines

     There are currently two temples under construction in Castroflumine. Northwest of the Októgono Froúrio is a temple to Ralifon. South of the Temple to Ralifon is a temple to Erron of Solitude. Across the Magi Bridge from the Októgono Froúrio on the eastern side of the Via Caesai is a temple to Barbēlō in her aspect as the goddess of love. Within the Mágoi Kratoún is a temple to Wazirëkyn and a shrine to Amn.

Notable Cheesemongers

     The Tesremos family has set up a complex for producing their cheeses on the southwestern shore of the River Aíglaímatos. The small Aíglaímatos family, has been in the province since very nearly its founding and have a cheesemaking operation on the eastern side of the Aíma Bridge on the Via Aíma. The Aíglaímatos family makes a special magical cheese that they call Dákrya or Erron's Tears. Beyond the small batches of this highly prized cheese they are known to produce other magical cheeses. They do not make any regular cheeses and their skill at magic is their best defense against the much larger and more powerful Tesremos family.

Notable Locations

     Within the Októgono Froúrio is all of the administration buildings and a small force of Legionnaires to keep order. The Októgono Froúrio is a very busy and bustling area at all times of the day and night. The outer courtyard is where the locals will deal with any of the local officials and pay any tariffs and taxes for the use of the gates.
     The Mágoi Kratoún is not easily accessible as it is on a high sheer mesa with a single steep road leading to its gates. The towers of Ur and Thumm guard this road from anyone not invited to visit the Mágoi Kratoún.
     Beyond these two imposing sites is the very popular ale house called the Diavolikómáti. It is owned and run by an unusual husband and wife and their family. The husband a hobbit named Adalgrim Hook-Toe, is along with his gnome wife Safi Wildtresses, a former adventurer. Now retired, they have started an orphanage/workhouse and founded the ale house as a way to keep themselves busy and active. They have adopted fifteen children and all work the family business. What makes Diavolikómáti so popular is their amazing brews and their fantastic foods. Everything is priced cheaply and the quality is always excellent.
     Near the Diavolikómáti is a popular inn called the Fylakí. This large building is set back from the main road and is an imposing stone building that looks like it should be a prison. The truth of the matter is that the Fylakí used to be a prison until it was purchased from the Senate by Zuquuk the Unwise. Zuquuk is a well informed and connected mongrelman and priest of VMQR. He has renovated the interior of the Fylakí to better suit its use as an inn. The prices are very cheap and the place is immaculately clean. The courtyard still has the gallows as a reminder to those who would try to leave without full payment.

Outside the Walls

     To date there are no outer walls to Castroflumine and no plans to make one, as the high rough terrain is in itself a deterrent to attacks. The roads leading out into the outer parts of the province are rough and not yet all completed. All of the roads heading north move out towards lower more fertile terrain. Those heading south move further into the mountains and evergreen forests. The western roads lead down into lower swampy areas and then to the Qadar Sea.
     The eastern roads lead out of the empire and into the Sākujaminā. This continental mass is ruled by mysterious peoples that trade with the Chi'in Empire as well as with the Empire of Ralifon.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Locations: Province of Qadar, Empire of Ralifon

Province of Qadar

Empire of Ralifon


     Qadar was once a very prosperous and important location in the old Republic of Ralifon. The majority of the city was destroyed by the event known as the Flumen Magnum of P.U. 1000. The Flumen Magnum happened early in the morning just before dawn on the twenty-first of June. There was an unusual thunderous noise that caused many windows to break. The ground shook with such great force that many of the buildings collapsed. Shortly after that an enormous reddish cloud of ash blocked out the sky and rising sun. As panic set in and people began to rush the Gates the sea water receded with an unheard of rapidity. The Gates were backed up from all of the people rushing through them with whatever they could carry. The earth began to quake again, only this time the entire western part of Qadar dropped nearly thirty feet as the sea water rushed back to swallow the now low lying land. Of the nearly twenty thousand persons living in Qadar only roughly one thousand were able to escape before it was swallowed by the sea.
     The remaining few hundred people who survived at Qadar were suddenly cut off from the rest of the Republic. It took nearly a month before the Legions could arrive in sufficient numbers to help rebuild part of the province and make repairs to the remaining structures.


     The Gates of Qadar have been sealed since the Flumen Magnum of P.U. 1000. Originally they went to Sexeptum and Qidron-Forum Orientem. When the tide is low the top of the Gates can just be seen from the shore and a couple of buoys have been positioned near the Gates to help vessels avoid hitting them.
     The Gates closure was not something that the Societatem Magis had anticipated ever having to happen, so they were flummoxed as to how to proceed. Ultimately Ukrit, the Magi Magni, decided the best solution was to just block the Gates with a wall of iron, thus the gates were sealed.
     The later Magi Magni, Broos the Undying, found a way to alter the Gates so that they now go to different places. His experiments were done in secrecy under the Magnum Bay. The Gates of Magnum Bay lead to a private mansion in Pylos' City at the Aerie and to a cavern deep within the Upside Down Island of the Candy Witch. The mansion is one of many strongholds owned by the salient lich Zadok the Enchanter. He had used Broos to get him access to the Societatem Magis and still has Broos stored away in imprisonment as an undead minion.

Temples and Shrines

     There is only a single proper temple in Qadar, since the disaster nearly a century ago, dedicated to Oukranos. The temple holds services every day and adherents of Oukranos make sacrifices daily in order to appease his wrath and allow the province to flourish once again.
     Outside the walls that remain there are shrines dedicated to Ralifon, Berrish, and Beowa. There is also a small temple to Barbēlō that the sailors coming to port like to frequent after paying their respects to Oukranos.

Notable Cheesemongers

     There are no families of cheesemongers left in the province proper. The Tesremos family used the Flumen Magnum disaster to their advantage. By taking over the outer farms of the former Qadar goblin families and stealing their recipies they were able to increase their profits and power among the Consilio ex Familia.

Notable Locations

     Within what is left of the walls is a new dock and temple. There are some administration buildings for collecting duties and taxes from vessels using the docks. Outside of these remnants a small town has sprung up, mainly to support the needs of ships using the docks and get trade from the sea moving through the province.

Outside the Walls

     To the north is Transienasiams on the Via Spice and further north across the plains of Pinnaqii is Saloppidum. Transienasiams is a two weeks march from Qadar along the Via Qadar. The Via Qadar is a wide well built road that runs directly south from the Via Spice through the extremely dangerous Shezzak'l'zz Waste. It is a full seven days march along the Via Qadar through this area to get to Fort Borbala.
     Fort Borbala has become a small township of 600 persons. Fort Borbala was originally placed at the edge of the Shezzak'l'zz Waste as a buffer to prevent the Eye Tyrants of the region from causing problems further south into the province. With the closing of the Gates the sea trade has been moving through the province along the Via Qadar and into Transienasiams. The Tesremos family has made a very profitable business out of providing protection to caravans moving through the Shezzak'l'zz Waste. They are able to provide this protection because they have struck a deal with the Hive Mother of the Great Waste, to provide her with needed goods for the safe passage of the family's caravans.
     Three days further south from Fort Borbala is the Praedium Essenxa, a former holding of the now conquered family Essenxa. The Tesremos family controls this sprawling estate and most of the surrounding village. The village has a large stable and two different inns for travelers to stay at. The village has no Legionnaires quartered here as the Tesremos family has a private force of minotaur slaves to keep the peace.
     East the road leads to the province of Koravie through the foothills of the Koravie Mountains. At the edge of the province along the Via Qadar, a ten days march is the Welqan Shire. The Welqan hobbits are known as fine makers of leather goods. They trade regularly with the Dwarves of Koravie and the rest of the Qadar province along the Via Qadar.
     Three days west of Welqan one of the rare known gnomish communities, Hocestaverediuoppidumnomineformaresedsitibiabcorreptadixiteiquomodoergotuappellantdomumsuam, or as most everyone else calls is Domumsuam. This community of gnomes is an unusual bunch for gnomes. Most gnomes are a secretive bunch of peoples that are primarily worshippers of Amn. This community is an open community of Erronites. They do have a shrine to Amn but their main temple is dedicated to Erron of Solitude. These are adventuresome gnomes and very friendly, their gladiatorial arena is a bit small for normal sized creatures but they will gladly teach others their weapon techniques, for a price.
     Four days march west is Sheep's Head, a community of shepherds that graze their herds all across the Plains of Pinnaqii. Most of the herds return to the town for the annual shearing festival. The remaining peoples mainly cultivate feed for the winter months, when the herds cannot safely graze the plains to the north, or work at turning the wool into trade worthy products.
     The old western road is still on the other side of Magnum Bay. From the shore of Magnum Bay the Via Wim goes all the way to the Arma Xronos. Beyond the Arma Xronos is the Mare Draconis, an endless ocean full of monsters that eat ships whole. Along the Via Wim there are many small fishing villages. Most of this area is considered as lawless frontier and there are very few patrols by the Legions, generally only when taxes are being collected. The northern areas of the Via Wim are home to orc tribes, giant steadings, dragons and other assorted monsters. The empire has a standing bounty for any adventuring types that want to clear out these monsters and make it safe for expanding the borders of civilization. Along the eastern side of this area is the Amethyst Mountains, the north is bordered by the Schwarzwald forest, and to the east is the Mare Draconis.