The Grand Ring of Life
1,500 XP, 7,500 GP
When Rasa Mon first found himself on the world of Athas, he was confronted by an unusual form of wizard, a defiler. With the first spell this defiler cast, Rasa Mon's phytokinoesian servants were killed. When he moved too close to the defiler during spell casting he himself was severely wounded by the blood in his arm being turned into ash (he has a permanent Transmute Blood to Sap effect on him). Once he realized that he had to stay away from the ever expanding circle of ash he was able to defeat the defiler. After that battle he was always very careful around Athasian wizards.
Later he discovered a Ring of Life. When he studied its properties and figured out how to make more of the items he started work on how to improve the rings. Thus he came up with the Grand Ring of Life. One of the most important pieces of the ring is that it is made from a Tree of Life. This is what makes the ring more powerful than its cousin.
There are only a score of these rings in existence. Rasa Mon can teach other wizards how to make these rings. He can be summoned by an Amulet of Rasa Mon.
This item protects the wearer from the effects of defiling magic. When worn, the character is immune to the initiative point loss incurred when in the destructive diameter of a defiler’s spell. This ring also protects plant and animal life within five feet of the wearer. The grand ring of life also bestows upon its wearer regenerative powers; the wearer heals one hit point per turn and it will restore lost limbs. The grand ring of life will protect its wearer from the dragon's defiling magic.
If this item is worn by a defiler wizard any damage to the environment that spell casting would normally do is reduced up to a total of 30 spell levels per week. After that time the ring will not function in any capacity for a week while the ring regenerates itself.
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