Wand of Alignment Alteration
6,000 xp; 50,000 gp
This dangerous and powerful wand was first created accidentally by the wild mage Adegoke Aminda. Instead of following the usual tedious process of making a magical item Adegoke thought she could just infuse a wand with a wild surge while in a wild magic zone and get a Wand of Wonder. After she was done being resurrected by her comrades she began experimenting the first Wand of Alignment Alteration. After using it three or ten times (who's really counting anyway?) her group died at the hands of a now chaotic evil unicorn. When this abomination was destroyed the wand came to be in the possession of the Monks of Candlekeep. Later false acolytes of Candlekeep stole the wand and divined a way to make copies of this item.
This wand alters the alignment of the victim to any chosen by the wielder. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. wand, Wis bonus applies, to avoid the effects of the wand. Magic resistance is only half as effective against this powerful item. This change in alignment is permanent, a second application from this wand cannot affect the same victim, nor will a Helm of Opposite Alignment. A wish spell can change a victim back to their original alignment. Thankfully this wand cannot be recharged and begins play with only 13 charges maximum.
This wand alters the alignment of the victim to any chosen by the wielder. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. wand, Wis bonus applies, to avoid the effects of the wand. Magic resistance is only half as effective against this powerful item. This change in alignment is permanent, a second application from this wand cannot affect the same victim, nor will a Helm of Opposite Alignment. A wish spell can change a victim back to their original alignment. Thankfully this wand cannot be recharged and begins play with only 13 charges maximum.