Beorn the Disgraced
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Image by Fleurdelyse, not used with permission. |
Beorn was, in life, a storm giant of good standing within the giant community until he came upon a his cursed armor called Käsittämätön. This armor was created by Zadok the Enchanter as a way for him to gain a strong servant to help him complete his goals. Once Zadok had hold of Beorn he made him do the most terrible and dishonorable things imaginable. At Zadok's behest Beorn slew his entire clan and took the clan axe, Chaahkslag. With the powerful Chaahkslag in hand Beorn traveled to the nearby realm of the elves, Søteskoger Hjemme, and began decimating the entire population with help from a portion of Zadok's undead horde.
The elves of Søteskoger fought a desperate, but ultimately futile war with these forces. The remaining few elves have since moved out of the Søteskoger Hjemme to safer places. Before leaving, they placed a curse upon their enemy that keeps Beorn from traveling beyond the mountains surrounding the Søteskoger Hjemme. This suits Zadok and so he has not bothered to try and undo the elves curse.
Beorn now resides within the castle of his former clan and guards the Deepspawn for Zadok.
NPC Stat Block
Death Knight, Storm Giant
XP Value: 23,000.
Str 24 Dex 18 Con 19 Int 18 Wis 12 Cha 9 Com 4
HP: 97 AC: -8 THAC0: 3
Align: CE Age: 732
Height: 26' Weight: 1,500 Lbs.
Just like all storm giants, Beorn is immune to electricity and lightning. He can catch large missiles 65% of the time.
Because he is undead he does not need or retain the inborn water breathing ability, though he can move, attack, and use magic underwater as if he were on land. Beorn can cast control weather and levitate spells lifting his own weight and as much as 4,000 additional pounds twice a day. Beorn also can call lightning (3 bolts of 15 8-sided dice each), lightning bolt (1 bolt of 15 6-sided dice), control winds, and use weather summoning once a day. All of these storm giant magical abilities are at 15th level of ability.
Beorn employs the gigantic two-handed battle axe, Chaahkslag. It does (2d8*4)+15 damage per attack and Beorn is skilled enough to get two attacks per round. Chaahkslag also can send out a ring of lightning three times a day that causes 10d8 points of damage to all creatures that fail a save vs spells, those that save take ½ damage. Beorn can also throw Chaahkslag up to 160 yards and have it return to his hands the next round.
Beorn's death knight magical abilities make him especially dangerous. He constantly generates fear in a 20-foot radius, and can cast detect magic, detect invisibility, and wall of ice at will. Twice per day, he can cast dispel magic. Once per day, he can use either power word, blind, power word, kill, or power word, stun. Beorn can also cast symbol of fear or symbol of pain once per day, as well as a 20-dice fireball once per day. All of these magical spells function at the 20th level of ability.
Beorn cannot be turned, but can be dispelled by holy word
spell. He has the power over undead of a 6th-level evil priest. His
magic resistance is 75%, and if an 11 or lower is rolled on the
percentile roll, the spell is reflected back at the caster (the magic
resistance is rerolled each time a spell is cast at a Beorn).
Beorn's armor, Käsittämätön is a set of giant sized full plate armor. This specially crafted armor protects the wearer from disintegration, acid, and all energy attack forms. When worn by a giant it grants them an AC of -8. Once a day the wearer can call forth a globe of invulnerability that lasts for 20 rounds. As stated previously this armor has the curse of servitude built into the enchantments.
Beorn's axe, Chaakslag is a giant sized two handed battle axe with a plus 3 enchantment. This weapon is intelligent and has been trying, in vain, to influence Beorn and free him from Zadok's control. Beyond the above stated powers the axe is telepathic but not able to speak but understands 7 languages beyond common, elf, giant common, and storm giant. Chaahkslag's special purpose is to protect the storm giants and their history, to that end it grants the user the ability to call forth 1d4 air elementals and 1d4 lightning elementals to protect the giants. It has an alignment of CG, is versed in the entire history of the storm giants and the elves of Søteskoger Hjemme. It has a an Ego of 23.
Beorn's armor, Käsittämätön is a set of giant sized full plate armor. This specially crafted armor protects the wearer from disintegration, acid, and all energy attack forms. When worn by a giant it grants them an AC of -8. Once a day the wearer can call forth a globe of invulnerability that lasts for 20 rounds. As stated previously this armor has the curse of servitude built into the enchantments.
Beorn's axe, Chaakslag is a giant sized two handed battle axe with a plus 3 enchantment. This weapon is intelligent and has been trying, in vain, to influence Beorn and free him from Zadok's control. Beyond the above stated powers the axe is telepathic but not able to speak but understands 7 languages beyond common, elf, giant common, and storm giant. Chaahkslag's special purpose is to protect the storm giants and their history, to that end it grants the user the ability to call forth 1d4 air elementals and 1d4 lightning elementals to protect the giants. It has an alignment of CG, is versed in the entire history of the storm giants and the elves of Søteskoger Hjemme. It has a an Ego of 23.
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