Hisui no Majo
Hisui no Majo (翡翠の魔女), The Jade Witch, Akuma of Kaminoji, The Child Eater
Lesser Power (Kaminoji, CE)
Portfolio: Magic (Necromantic), Evil Spirits, Fear.
Domain Name: The Jade Halls, Kaminoji.
Superior: Yaldabaoth.
Allies: Yaldabaoth, Hypnos.
Foes: Emperor Chi'in, Faliron.
Symbol: The Mon of the Ansasshia.
Worshiper Alignment: Any Evil.
Hisui no Majo was once a simple mountain spirit. Her home in the Jade Halls was taken from her by Faliron the Nightmare Lord. His evil and perverse nature corrupted it. Because spirits of nature are bound to their homes the perversion of the Jade Halls also altered her. She searched for some mortal to assist her with removing Faliron from the Jade Halls to no avail.Many decades later Yaldabaoth, Son of Chaos, allied himself with Hisui no Majo to attack Faliron in order to steal his power for himself. When their battle took them far from her mountain home Hisui no Majo reclaimed her demesne and absorbed all of the residual energies making her more that a simple spirit. The fear of the locals gave her greater power and so she used it to create the first of the floating heads.
Hisui no Majo's Avatar
A/C: -3 | HD: 15 | HP: 120 | THAC0: 20 | #Att: 1r | Dmg: by spells | MR: 90% | Size: M | Move: 12 |
Str: 14 | Dex: 19 | Con: 18 | Int: 25 | Wis: 25 | Cha: 14 | Com: -1 |
PPDM: 1 | RSW: 1 | PP: 1 | BW: 1 | OS: 1 | Fear: 1 | Horror: 1 | Madness: 1 |
Hisui no Majo's avatar appears as a hideous old crone. She will offer those she meets lavish riches, many wives, whatever their hearts desire, as long as they are willing to pay her price. Those foolish enough to take her up on her offers will get far more than they bargained for as she will twist their wishes to evil purpose.
She does not engage in combat if it can be avoided. If forced to do battle she can cast magic as if she were a 30th level wizard or priest. She has access to all spells but prefers ones with evil overtones and can never run out of spells.
Floating heads
Hisui no Majo's "children" are extensions of her avatar. These floating dismembered heads of children are able to fly great distances. They are invisible and incorporeal in light greater than a single candle. When in darkness they are visible and corporeal. The heads will cry out or sob to attract the attention of potential victims. If they can get close enough to a victim they will bite doing 1 point of damage and the victim must save vs poison or be paralysed until the sun rises. Paralysed victims can be carried by the heads to Hisui no Majo in a single night to be eaten by her and their heads turned into more of her children.Head Statistics
AC -8; MV Fl 18 (A); HD 9; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg 1+Poison; SD immune to all spells but Magic Missile & Protection from Evil; SA Poison (paralytic); SZ T (6" to 1' diameter); ML 20; AL CE; XP 3000; Notes: The heads are able to carry a single individual and whatever equipment they are carrying as long as the victim is affected by their poison. When in complete darkness their MV becomes Fl 72 (B).
The Clergy
Witches of Hisui no Majo are not nearly as loathsome as their god but they do try. Desperate people will seek them out for various reasons, to give them a love potion or charm, remove or bestow a curse, etc. They are also known to perform abortions for women. This procedure is dangerous to the woman (must make a system shock check or die in 1d4 days from internal bleeding) but actually grant these evil witches a special familiar, one very similar to their gods. These witches are able to gain more power with each deal they make and so are always ready and willing to do business with these unfortunate souls. They are usually found in semi-remote areas near larger population centers. They can be found all over Xaqi, not just in Kaminoji.Clergy Alignment: Any Evil.
Turn/Control Undead: Control.
Bonus Proficiencies: Herbalism, Spellcraft, Religion.
Required Proficiencies: Brewing, Ancient History.
Witches of the Jade Halls
Requirements: Int 13, Wis 13
Prime Requisite: Wis
Alignment: Any Evil
Weapons: None
Armour: None
Major Spheres: Special
Minor Spheres: None
Magical Items: Any
Races allowed: Any female
Special Granted Powers
They are granted access to all spheres of priestly magic and some wizardly spells as well. They get their normal allotment of priest spells each day and a single wizardly spell of each level they could cast, as if they were a mage of the same priest level they possess. So if they are a fifth level priest they get one wizard spell of first to third level. They can use any magic items that are not specifically for the fighter class (i.e. potion of invulnerability and others).
Witches of the Jade Halls get the following powers and abilities at the listed levels.
- 1st: Detect Magic once a day per level.
- 3rd: Gain a familiar as per the find familiar spell (can have as many familiars as they have levels, additional familiars beyond the first are always floating heads as per above for Hisui no Majo).
- 5th: Brew Calmative (1 hour to make, 24 hour potency), sleep poison (8 HD or less).
- 7th: Brew Poison (1 hour to make, 24 hour potency), any type desired.
- 9th: Beguile (Charm person or monster) 1r no save, 8 HD or less.
- 11th: Brew Flying Ointment (1 hour to make, 24 hour potency) as per Fly spell.
- 13th: Witch's Curse (Bestow Curse) 1 round no save, automatic effect, 24 hour duration.
- 15th: Brew any Potion (3 hours to make, lasts for 1 day per level of the witch).
Special Disadvantages
Witches of the Jade Halls can never be proficient with any weapons and do not get any weapon proficiencies. Also their THAC0 will stay at 20 no matter their level. The Witches cannot wear armor, but are allowed to use magical protections.
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