Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Gods: Hisui no Majo, The Witch of Kaminoji

Hisui no Majo

Hisui no Majo (翡翠の魔女), The Jade Witch, Akuma of Kaminoji, The Child Eater

Lesser Power (Kaminoji, CE)

Portfolio: Magic (Necromantic), Evil Spirits, Fear.
Domain Name: The Jade Halls, Kaminoji. 
Superior: Yaldabaoth.
Allies: Yaldabaoth, Hypnos.
Foes: Emperor Chi'in, Faliron. 
Symbol: The Mon of the Ansasshia. 
Worshiper Alignment: Any Evil.


     Hisui no Majo was once a simple mountain spirit. Her home in the Jade Halls was taken from her by Faliron the Nightmare Lord. His evil and perverse nature corrupted it. Because spirits of nature are bound to their homes the perversion of the Jade Halls also altered her. She searched for some mortal to assist her with removing Faliron from the Jade Halls to no avail.
     Many decades later Yaldabaoth, Son of Chaos, allied himself with Hisui no Majo to attack Faliron in order to steal his power for himself. When their battle took them far from her mountain home Hisui no Majo reclaimed her demesne and absorbed all of the residual energies making her more that a simple spirit. The fear of the locals gave her greater power and so she used it to create the first of the floating heads.

Hisui no Majo's Avatar

A/C: -3HD: 15HP:  120THAC0: 20#Att: 1rDmg: by spellsMR: 90%Size: MMove: 12
Str: 14Dex: 19Con: 18Int: 25Wis: 25Cha: 14Com: -1
PPDM: 1RSW: 1PP: 1BW: 1OS: 1Fear: 1Horror: 1Madness: 1

     Hisui no Majo's avatar appears as a hideous old crone. She will offer those she meets lavish riches, many wives, whatever their hearts desire, as long as they are willing to pay her price. Those foolish enough to take her up on her offers will get far more than they bargained for as she will twist their wishes to evil purpose.
     She does not engage in combat if it can be avoided. If forced to do battle she can cast magic as if she were a 30th level wizard or priest. She has access to all spells but prefers ones with evil overtones and can never run out of spells.

Floating heads

     Hisui no Majo's "children" are extensions of her avatar. These floating dismembered heads of children are able to fly great distances. They are invisible and incorporeal in light greater than a single candle. When in darkness they are visible and corporeal. The heads will cry out or sob to attract the attention of potential victims. If they can get close enough to a victim they will bite doing 1 point of damage and the victim must save vs poison or be paralysed until the sun rises. Paralysed victims can be carried by the heads to Hisui no Majo in a single night to be eaten by her and their heads turned into more of her children.

Head Statistics

     AC -8; MV Fl 18 (A); HD 9; THAC0 11; #AT 1; Dmg 1+Poison; SD immune to all spells but Magic Missile & Protection from Evil; SA Poison (paralytic); SZ T (6" to 1' diameter); ML 20; AL CE; XP 3000; Notes: The heads are able to carry a single individual and whatever equipment they are carrying as long as the victim is affected by their poison. When in complete darkness their MV becomes Fl 72 (B).

The Clergy

     Witches of Hisui no Majo are not nearly as loathsome as their god but they do try. Desperate people will seek them out for various reasons, to give them a love potion or charm, remove or bestow a curse, etc. They are also known to perform abortions for women. This procedure is dangerous to the woman (must make a system shock check or die in 1d4 days from internal bleeding) but actually grant these evil witches a special familiar, one very similar to their gods. These witches are able to gain more power with each deal they make and so are always ready and willing to do business with these unfortunate souls. They are usually found in semi-remote areas near larger population centers. They can be found all over Xaqi, not just in Kaminoji.

Clergy Alignment: Any Evil.
Turn/Control Undead: Control.
Bonus Proficiencies: Herbalism, Spellcraft, Religion. 
Required Proficiencies: Brewing, Ancient History.

Witches of the Jade Halls

Requirements: Int 13, Wis 13
Prime Requisite: Wis
Alignment: Any Evil
Weapons: None
Armour: None
Major Spheres: Special
Minor Spheres: None
Magical Items: Any
Races allowed: Any female

Special Granted Powers

     They are granted access to all spheres of priestly magic and some wizardly spells as well. They get their normal allotment of priest spells each day and a single wizardly spell of each level they could cast, as if they were a mage of the same priest level they possess. So if they are a fifth level priest they get one wizard spell of first to third level. They can use any magic items that are not specifically for the fighter class (i.e. potion of invulnerability and others).
     Witches of the Jade Halls get the following powers and abilities at the listed levels.
  • 1st: Detect Magic once a day per level.
  • 3rd: Gain a familiar as per the find familiar spell (can have as many familiars as they have levels, additional familiars beyond the first are always floating heads as per above for Hisui no Majo).
  • 5th: Brew Calmative (1 hour to make, 24 hour potency), sleep poison (8 HD or less).
  • 7th: Brew Poison (1 hour to make, 24 hour potency), any type desired.
  • 9th: Beguile (Charm person or monster) 1r no save, 8 HD or less.
  • 11th: Brew Flying Ointment (1 hour to make, 24 hour potency) as per Fly spell.
  • 13th: Witch's Curse (Bestow Curse) 1 round no save, automatic effect, 24 hour duration.
  • 15th: Brew any Potion (3 hours to make, lasts for 1 day per level of the witch).

Special Disadvantages

     Witches of the Jade Halls can never be proficient with any weapons and do not get any weapon proficiencies. Also their THAC0 will stay at 20 no matter their level. The Witches cannot wear armor, but are allowed to use magical protections.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

NPCs: Beorn the Disgraced

Beorn the Disgraced

Image by Fleurdelyse, not used with permission.


     Beorn was, in life, a storm giant of good standing within the giant community until he came upon a his cursed armor called Käsittämätön. This armor was created by Zadok the Enchanter as a way for him to gain a strong servant to help him complete his goals. Once Zadok had hold of Beorn he made him do the most terrible and dishonorable things imaginable. At Zadok's behest Beorn slew his entire clan and took the clan axe, Chaahkslag. With the powerful Chaahkslag in hand Beorn traveled to the nearby realm of the elves, Søteskoger Hjemme, and began decimating the entire population with help from a portion of Zadok's undead horde.
     The elves of Søteskoger fought a desperate, but ultimately futile war with these forces. The remaining few elves have since moved out of the Søteskoger Hjemme to safer places. Before leaving, they placed a curse upon their enemy that keeps Beorn from traveling beyond the mountains surrounding the Søteskoger Hjemme. This suits Zadok and so he has not bothered to try and undo the elves curse.
     Beorn now resides within the castle of his former clan and guards the Deepspawn for Zadok.

NPC Stat Block

Death Knight, Storm Giant
XP Value: 23,000.

Str 24    Dex 18    Con 19    Int 18    Wis 12    Cha 9    Com 4
HP: 97     AC: -8     THAC0: 3
Align: CE              Age: 732
Height: 26'            Weight: 1,500 Lbs.

     Just like all storm giants, Beorn is immune to electricity and lightning. He can catch large missiles 65% of the time.
     Because he is undead he does not need or retain the inborn water breathing ability, though he can move, attack, and use magic underwater as if he were on land. Beorn can cast control weather and levitate spells lifting his own weight and as much as 4,000 additional pounds twice a day. Beorn also can call lightning (3 bolts of 15 8-sided dice each), lightning bolt (1 bolt of 15 6-sided dice), control winds, and use weather summoning once a day. All of these storm giant magical abilities are at 15th level of ability.
     Beorn employs the gigantic two-handed battle axe, Chaahkslag. It does (2d8*4)+15 damage per attack and Beorn is skilled enough to get two attacks per round. Chaahkslag also can send out a ring of lightning three times a day that causes 10d8 points of damage to all creatures that fail a save vs spells, those that save take ½ damage. Beorn can also throw Chaahkslag up to 160 yards and have it return to his hands the next round.
     Beorn's death knight magical abilities make him especially dangerous. He constantly generates fear in a 20-foot radius, and can cast detect magic, detect invisibility, and wall of ice at will. Twice per day, he can cast dispel magic. Once per day, he can use either power word, blind, power word, kill, or power word, stun. Beorn can also cast symbol of fear or symbol of pain once per day, as well as a 20-dice fireball once per day. All of these magical spells function at the 20th level of ability.
     Beorn cannot be turned, but can be dispelled by holy word spell. He has the power over undead of a 6th-level evil priest. His magic resistance is 75%, and if an 11 or lower is rolled on the percentile roll, the spell is reflected back at the caster (the magic resistance is rerolled each time a spell is cast at a Beorn).


     Beorn's armor, Käsittämätön is a set of giant sized full plate armor. This specially crafted armor protects the wearer from disintegration, acid, and all energy attack forms. When worn by a giant it grants them an AC of -8. Once a day the wearer can call forth a globe of invulnerability that lasts for 20 rounds. As stated previously this armor has the curse of servitude built into the enchantments.


     Beorn's axe, Chaakslag is a giant sized two handed battle axe with a plus 3 enchantment. This weapon is intelligent and has been trying, in vain, to influence Beorn and free him from Zadok's control. Beyond the above stated powers the axe is telepathic but not able to speak but understands 7 languages beyond common, elf, giant common, and storm giant. Chaahkslag's special purpose is to protect the storm giants and their history, to that end it grants the user the ability to call forth 1d4 air elementals and 1d4 lightning elementals to protect the giants. It has an alignment of CG, is versed in the entire history of the storm giants and the elves of Søteskoger Hjemme. It has a an Ego of 23.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Magic Items: Sword +1, Electrocutor

Sword +1, Electrocutor

2,500 XP; 25,000 GP
Image by Shadow696, not used with permission.


     This weapon was first created for the elven Bladesinger, Yas'sad the Betrayer. Yas'sad was sent on a vision quest by the elven goddess, Jorōgumo to find the Baleful Requiem. At the beginning of his quest he started by searching every repository of knowledge he could find to learn more about this Baleful Requiem. The only mentions he could find referred to an ascetic monk that lived in a cave on the summit of Mount Dene'vir.
     When Yas'sad got to the summit of the Sacred Mountain he was surprised to find that the ascetic monk he was searching for was a storm giant. This giant named Thoon, was watching as Yas'sad climbed and battled his way up the mountain. Rather than prepare to defend himself Thoon merely sat on the ground and continued his meditation. When Yas'sad approached the giant to kill him he was intrigued by the giant's demeanor. Yas'sad stayed his attack and spoke with Thoon. After many hours in deep conversation the new friends went inside the cave of Thoon. A simple repast was made and in the morning they discussed the Baleful Requiem.
     Thoon advised Yas'sad that the Baleful Requiem did not yet exist. At this Yas'sad was confused and skeptical, how could it not yet exist if knowledge of it was known? Thoon explained to Yas'sad that he was to create the Baleful Requiem. Then Thoon took Yas'sad to the back of his cave and showed him a hidden door that led deeper still into the mountain. There at the heart of the sacred mountain is where Thoon told Yas'sad he would find one of the tools needed for the Baleful Requiem.
     Yas'sad, mindful of his sacred quest, he set forth immediately into the mountain. Traveling quietly through the halls of Mount Dene'vir he stole his way to the heart and there, was the sword Sparkstriker. Approaching it carefully he pulled the blade from the stone it was set in. After he removed it from its stony sheath the protector of the sword attacked. The protector, an earth elemental, missed. With his first attack Yas'sad was able to not only evade the elemental's onslaught, but also strike it hard with Sparkstriker. Yas'sad was easily able to defeat the protector and leave the caverns of the sacred mountain with his prize.


     A wielder of the Electrocutor is a fearsome opponent indeed. Any creature hit by the Electrocutor suffers normal sword damage, plus 20 points of electrical damage. It can send a lightning bolt once a day, has a range of 90 yards, and it strikes with a 5-foot wide, 30-foot long stroke of lightning. Any creatures in the path of the stroke take either 10 or 20 points of damage, based on whether their saving throws are successful or not. Additionally, the sword grants the wielder complete immunity from electrical attacks and an extra attack per round, usable thrice a day.

Friday, November 17, 2017

NPCs: Yas'sad the Betrayer

Yas'sad the Betrayer

Image by Drawlight not used with permission.


     The elves were first created as beings of magic and joy, enjoying a harmonious life with all of nature and each other. These ancient and immortal elves had no need of war or fighting until Jorōgumo, Birth Mother of the Fair Ones had an affair with Bafometz, Lord of the Beasts and gave birth to the beholder god Shezzak'l'zz. Sezzak'l'zz's hatred of his mother's preferred children, the elves, caused him to created the Eye Tyrants and set them loose upon the elves.
     Yas'sad, whose name can be loosely translated from the elven tongue as Bringer of (War) Knowledge, was the first of the elven Bladesingers. He created this art form as a way of defending the elves from the eye tyrants. So effective was Yas'sad at killing Shezzak'l'zz's spawn that they very nearly were all destroyed. Jorōgumo, at seeing her children and grandchildren fight was saddened and decided that the only way to stop the carnage was to banish her son Shezzak'l'zz to the underworld along with his children.
     Yas'sad upset that Jorōgumo would dare to interfere with his newfound purpose in life attacked her. Thus he was branded the Betrayer and was banished from the lands of the fair ones. Sadly his attack was so savage and precise that Jorōgumo was unable to fully heal from it. Some time after this she came down with a disease that poisoned her mind and turned her from being the Birth Mother and into the Spider Queen, thus cementing in the mind's of his brethren that Yas'sad was truly the Betrayer.
     Alone and without the aid of his people Yas'sad was cursed to walk the world until he can atone for his hubris. When that may come he knows not, but he still works to aid any elf he encounters in the hope that he will be freed to move on to the next life.

NPC Stats

Level 15 Bladesinger (fighter/wizard)

Str 16     Dex 19     Con 16     Int 20     Wis 18     Cha 17     Com 22
PPDM 4  HP 108        Race Grey Elf    Height 5' 6"
RSW 6    Align NG      Sex Male           Weight: 98 lbs
PP 5       #Att 2r-6r    Black Hair        Black Eyes
BW 4      PCC 67                  
OS 7       Scrye 74%    AC -3                Thac0 6

Weapon Proficiencies
Ambidexterity, Blade song, Broad group blades, Kicking, Long sword (specialized), One weapon style, Punching, Two weapon style, Whip.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Ancient elven, Basic wood lore, Blind-fighting, Carpentry, Dancing, Heraldry, Horseback riding, Lumbering, Navigation, Read and write ancient elven, Seamanship, Singing, Spellcraft, Survival (Woodland), Swimming, Tracking, Tumbling, Weaponsmithing.

Racial & Class Abilities
60' Infravision
90% Resistance to sleep and charm-related spells
Can detect concealed and secret doors
(10' radius: 1 in 6 or 1 in 2; 1 in 3).
Invisible & Silent in forests.
When using a long sword gets a +1 to attacks
Suprise modifier of -2 or -4 to opponents checks.
-3 Reaction adjustment to non-elves.
-1 Reaction adjustment to elves.
+15% Experience points to advance to next level.
Attacks per round: 3/2r at 7th; 2r at 13th.
Bonus of +1 to attacks and damage with a longsword; +3 to attacks for an unusual maneuver.
Defend while casting spells, adds 2 to the casting time.
Can train others in Blade Song basics.
MUST help any elf in need.
Must further the cause of elvendom.
Cannot specialize in any other weapon.
-1 penalty with other weapons (even proficient ones).
Cannot wear armor heavier than studded leather or elven chain mail.

Elven Chain +3

Art Objects/Gems
Ivory Statuette of Yas'sad 500 gold pieces
Platinum Signet Ring of Yas'sad 500 gold pieces
4 Rock Crystals 50 gold pieces
Silver Signal Whistle 20 gold pieces

Equipment List
PP: 5
GP: 100
EP: 500
SP: 848
BP: 499
CP: 498

Belt, Large belt pouch, 2 Small belt pouch, Breeches, Flint and steel, Gloves, Grappling hook, Hat, 2 Scabbard, 50' Silk rope, Tunic, Vest, Whetstone, Whip hanger, Wineskin.

Longsword +1, Electrocutor (named Sparkstriker)
Vorpal Longsword +5 (named Decollate)
Excellent Whip +3 (named Manticore's Tail)

Magical Items
Boots of elvenkind
Cloak of elvenkind
2 Extra-healing potion

3 Healing potion
2 Speed potion
3 Speed casting potion
Ring of free action
Ring of telekinesis (400 lb)

Spell List

Burning hands, Feather fall, Magic missile, Shield, Shocking grasp.
Darkness, Melf's acid arrow, Ray of enfeeblement, Strength, Web.
Blink, Dispel magic, Fireball, Hold person, Lightning bolt.
Dimension door, Enervation, Ice storm, Stoneskin, Wall of ice.
Animate dead, Cloudkill, Cone of cold, Feeblemind, Wall of iron.
Anti-magic shell, Chain lightning, Prismatic spray.

     Yas'sad has a contingency spell active that will activate a teleport (up to 750 pounds) under the following condition: If facing more than 1 opponent and hit in melee combat for any amount of damage. This spell will take the closest opponent with Yas'sad to a fighting arena.
     Zadok the Enchanter has dealt with Yas'sad in the past and he has proven to be a thorn in the lich's side more than once. Due to Yas'sad's special nature he cannot be enthralled to Zadok and he can provide PCs with aid and, more importantly, information about Zadok. If the DM wishes to have any elven or ½ elven PCs be a descendant of Yas'sad it would also grant them immunity to being a thrall of Zadok.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Magic Items: Scroll of Protection from Living Beings

Scroll of Protection from Living Beings

7,500 gp 1,500 xp

Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


     These scrolls were first devised by Zadok the Enchanter. He found need of protecting his undead minions from living heroes long enough for them to accomplish the small goals needed for his greater plan. Once he discovered that the scrolls had a hidden ability to cause harm to the living he made a change to allow the underlying magic to be learned by others.


     (Reading time 4) When this scroll is read, a 5-foot radius circle of protection extends from, and moves with, the reader. It protects everyone within it from all physical attacks made by living creatures (humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, etc.) but not magical spells or other attack forms. If a creature leaves the protected area, it is subject to physical attack. The protection restrains up to 35 Hit Dice/levels of living creatures; excess Hit Dice/levels can pass through the circle. It remains in effect for 10d8 rounds. Some protection scrolls of this nature protect only against certain types of living creatures (one or more) rather than all living creatures, at the DM's option.


     Living creatures who use one of these scrolls will suffer 35 hit points of damage for reading it, as these are designed for non-living creatures and undead to use. Provided they survive the damage the protection works exactly the same as described above.
     If a player wishes to use this scroll to learn how it was made they can research the underlying protection spell. As the spell is lich magic only a necromancer or lich can learn the spell.

Zadok's Protection from Living Beings

5th level (Abjuration/Necromancy)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a distance of 5 feet. The barrier moves with the recipient and has three major effects:
     First, all attacks made by living creatures against the protected creature suffer -2 penalties to attack rolls; any saving throws caused by such attacks are made with +2 bonuses.
     Second, any attempt to turn (as by a priest's turn undead ability) or to exercise magical control over (as by a control undead spell) the protected creature is blocked by this spell.
     Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by creatures of a living nature if this is cast upon an undead or non-living (such as golems) recipient.
     This protection ends if the protected undead tries to force the barrier against a living creature. To complete this spell, the wizard must trace a 3-foot-diameter circle on the floor (or ground) with powdered bone.
       This spell can be cast upon a living creature but will do 35 points of damage to the creature. If the creature survives, they are protected from other living creatures as above. Other non-living creatures, such as golems, can have this spell cast upon them without any ill effects.
     This spell is a special necromantic lich spell. Any non-lich who casts it will suffer 1d10 points of cold damage as if they had been touched by a lich. Only a lich or necromancy specialist wizard may learn this spell, with DM approval. If this spell is cast on the Demiplane of Dread it will force the caster to make a Ravenloft Powers check (5% chance) due to the very evil nature of the magic.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Locations: Tower of Rasa Mon Fry, Part I

The Tower of Rasa Mon Fry

Part I, Tavern and Inn

Flag with the Sigil of Rasa Mon Fry


     The Tower of Rasa Mon Fry is unusual in many respects for a wizard's tower. One of the things that tends to set it apart from most wizard's towers is that the lower floors of it are open to the general public as a tavern and inn. The tower always appears as a tree of whatever type is usual for the area. It will generally be at least 25% to 200% larger than the surrounding trees.
     The inn is usually run by a local native that rents the lower floors at a reasonable rate and uses ales, wines, and foodstuffs that are provided by Rasa Mon. There is a back room that caters to those who prefer to smoke the various pipeweeds that Rasa Mon is famous for creating.
     The basement area has large sections dedicated for storage of frozen foods; cold storage of fresh vegetables, fruits, and meats; wines, ales, beer, meads, and other spirits; lastly an area for the cleaning and storage of bedclothes and other linens.
     The second and third floors are set up as private bed chambers for the inn's guests. The fourth floor is where the inn keeper and staff reside when not actively working. There is a special chamber that can quickly access all of those floors and more. The fifth floor is used as living quarters for Rasa Mon, his companions, and followers.
     The sixth floor on up to the top of the tower is meant for Rasa Mon's use only. Other than himself there are very few who can safely access the rest of the tower. His First Wife Kallist, his familiar Hlabwat, his daughter Ceres, and her husband Saturnus all have nearly unlimited access to all areas of Rasa Mon's Tower. Even these persons do not access certain areas of the tower as they contain mortal dangers that will kill those who do not have special protections in place.

Main Floor
     The Main Entrance (Area 5) is large enough for 4 people to walk abreast through the doors. The "doors" are actually keyless planar portals when entering, but there is a required key to exit. Going out of the door without the proper key will cause the person to return through the portal. When the tower is locked down all of the portals are closed and cannot be used until the lock is removed by Rasa Mon.
     Areas 4 and 6 have fully partitioned walls with beautifully decorated hollow stumps so designed that patrons may relieve themselves. Within these areas there are clinging vines with beautiful fragrant flowers. In the Men's Washroom (Area 4) there are three places with partial partitions to allow men to urinate. The washbasins have flowing hot (but not too hot) water pouring over a small slate waterfall. Above these basins is smooth reflective bark which serves as a surprisingly clear mirror. On either side of these mirrors are waxy fruits that when touched squirt a small amount of liquid that serve as soap and lightly scented lotion. To one side of these basins are long leaves with soft fuzzy surfaces to allow users to dry their hands after washing. The vestibules leading into the washrooms have soft comfortable seats for those who are waiting in line to use the washrooms. The vestibules have more of the beautiful fragrant flowering vines on the ceiling.
     Area 1 has a tropical temperature with a warm breeze. The sand is white and the seawater is a clear blue. There are small tables and folding chairs on the beach in which guests may relax and enjoy libations and comestibles. The water is shallow enough that a Hobbit might wade within the pool, yet deepens progressively to accustom a chest deep immersion for a ½ giant.
     Area 8 has two ovens with small portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire that allows for them to constantly run without having to add fuel. One oven is dedicated to baking breads and the other is for cooking everything else. There are two eight burner stoves that are used to cook food. The wash stations have running hot and cold water to clean fruits, vegetables, and dishes. On the bar side of the Cylinder there are shelves of liquors, with reflective bark behind the shelves. There are banks of 12 taps evenly spaced around the bar. The taps are attached to the wall of the bar. This setup is the same in the other four bars within the tavern.

     Area 1 has a section dedicated to the freezing of 2 cubic foot blocks of ice for use on the upper floors.
     Area 3 has hollow vines that come down from the ceiling and are attached to large barrels that hold the ale, beer, cider, huangjiu, lager, mead, pear juice, plum juice, water, and wine (blush, red, and white) served from the taps on the upper floors. These twelve barrels radiate strong magic if checked for.
     Area 11 is off limits for it houses a small 6" portal that goes directly to the Elemental Plane of Ice. To keep the extreme absolute cold from bleeding out into the rest of the basement in an uncontrolled manner, area 11 is large enough to contain the magics that keep the portal small and regulated. There are also metallic pipes running along the walls and ceiling in this area that lead into the insulating walls, their purpose is unclear to almost all observers.

Second Floor

     The 28 rooms for rent on this floor are all furnished with a four post bed with a soft mattress made from a specially bred peat-moss. This mattress is covered by a smooth sheet of white cotton, a down pillow, and soft blankets. There are also the following items: a wardrobe, a footlocker, a writing desk with chair and a small vanity. The "mirrors" in these rooms are exactly like the ones in sections 4 and 6 of the Main Floor. There is a chamber pot as well as a china bowl and pitcher with clean water. The top drawer of the vanity has washcloths and small towels for the guest to wash themselves in their room. If cleaning service is requested, for an additional silver piece, the guest's clothing will be laundered, pressed and folded for them. While their clothing is being cleaned they will be provided with a soft fuzzy cotton robe and soft slippers to wear. Each room has flowering vines to provide a pleasing scent and light comes from a berry bunch on the ceiling. Next to the bed is a soft fuzzy leaf that will turn the light down or off by touching it.
     The base rate for a night is 6 silver pieces. If the guest wishes to dine in their room privately there is a service charge of 2 copper pieces above the price of the meal ordered. A waking service can be provided for an additional copper piece if requested.
     The secret doors that are all throughout this floor are keyed portals to other planes. The DM has final say as to where in the multiverse the portals will lead. All portals are one-way and do not lead back to the tower. Also, if the bill has not yet been paid then leaving by this method will cause the welsher to be sought after by Rasa Mon's hatchet woman, Ceres or one of her bounty hunters.
     Areas 3 and 4 follow the same guidelines as for the washrooms on the main floor.

Third Floor
     The 33 rooms for rent are set up in the same manner as the rooms on the second floor. The only alterations are that these rooms have larger wardrobes and footlockers. Additionally, each room has a safe to keep valuables in. The base rate per week is 25 silver. For 3 gold the guest can have daily cleaning service and meals brought to their room at no added cost.
     Just like on the second floor the secret doors are planar portals and they follow the same rules.
     Area 1 has a small kitchen with a four burner stove for cooking and a single 12 tap station for filling pitchers or flasks for guests to get quicker room service meals. There is no dish washing station on this floor and all dishes are sent to the main floor for washing. There is a small washbasin to clean hands and foods though.

Fourth Floor
Special Notes

     All throughout the tower there are various vines growing on the walls or ceiling that have different purposes depending on the area. Many of these vines grow a small bunch of glowing berries that provide illumination throughout the tower. Other vines have beautiful flowers that provide a pleasing scent, or have the ability to hear sounds, or have the ability to "see" movement, and et cetera for all of the senses. These vines are actually part of the towers and gives it the ability to better protect itself from harm as well as provide comfort to the patrons.
     Part of the reason for the tavern and inn is to give the tower the sustenance it needs to keep it healthy. The planar nature of the tower means that it can gather resources and energies to help Rasa Mon have more magical power available for stronger magics. The drawback is, to keep the tower from dying, it needs a tremendous amount of "food", which the patrons provide. The tower has multiple taverns attached to several planes of existence. It is possible to go from one of these "alternate" taverns to another one.
     There are sections of the tower that will trap those foolhardy enough to go into them, as they are in planes of existence other than the Prime. Without special magics some areas are downright deadly, like the areas that access the Elemental Plane of Fire for example. There are entrances to the Demiplane of Dread in the tower and once through the portals, without special magic, there is no going back to the tower!


     Full size maps of these floors are available on my Deviant Art page. So check it out!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

NPCs: Zadok the Enchanter

Zadok the Enchanter

Image by cgartiste, not used with permission.


     In life Zadok the Enchanter was a wizard of great renown. His items were highly sought after by kings and wizards. Thousands of years later they are still amazing treasures that those few wizards who are lucky enough to study, marvel at. His skill at smithing was so great that it is said the items he made were already enchanted just by his forging the materials themselves.
      Zadok was said to have lived an amazing 900 years before he mysteriously disappeared. Records of this era of history are scarce at best. Those few that are available are incomplete or erroneous, mainly due to Zadok doing his best to plant as much false information about himself and his creative process as possible.

NPC Stat Block
Level: 27 Enchanter/Necromancer
Race: Salient Lich, Human

Str 17    Dex 18    Con 18    Int 24    Wis 20    Cha 18    Com 3 (17)
HP: 64     AC: -10     THAC0: 9                  PSPs: 129
Align: LE                  Age: 8,957
Height: 6' 9"            Weight: 88 Lbs.

Read & Write Ancient Common, Advanced Mathematics, Appraising,
Gem Cutting, Goldsmithing, Common, Read & Write Common,
Blacksmithing, Cobbling, Carpentry, Leatherworking, Pottery,
Weaving, Seamstress/Tailor, Armorer, Weaponsmithing, Engineering,
Spellcraft, Herbalism, Bureaucracy, Information Gathering,
Observation, Etiquette, Heraldry, Alertness, Craft Instrument,
Ancient History.

Class Abilities
+1 Spell per Spell Level (Specialty only).
+1 Save vs Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy spells.
-1 to Opponents Save vs Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy spells.
+15% Chance to Learn Spell to Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy spells.
-15% Chance to Learn Spell to non-Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy spells.
When reaching a new Spell Level, gains 1 spell of Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy school.
When creating a new spell, it is considered 1 Level lower if an Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy spell.

Racial Abilities
+1 or better magical weapon to hit.
Aura of Power: 5 HD or less, save vs. spell or flee in terror for 5d4 rounds.
Chill touch: 1d10 damage, & save vs. death magic.
½ Damage from Physical Attacks (see section on Pharaoh Zoser).
Immune to Charm, Sleep, Enfeeblement, Polymorph, Cold, Electricity, Insanity, and Death spells.

Art Objects
Personal Seal 8 sp
Silver Bracelet 18 sp
Emerald & Gold Ring 5,000 gp
Platinum Crown (3 Ruby, 3 Emerald, Black Opal 10,000gp) 12,500 gp
Silver Dagger Sheath 25 sp
Silver & Gold Amulet 20 gp
Gold & Ivory Map Case 30 gp
Platinum & Basilisk Skin Belt 7 pp
Ornate Iron Spike 9 bp
Large Silver Bowl 75 sp
Medium Brass Brazier 20 sp
Gold Goblet (3 Ruby, 3 Emerald) 1,500 gp

3 Blue Quartz 10 gp
5 Eye Agate 5 gp
2 Hematite 12 gp
4 Amber 50 gp
8 Obsidian 20 gp
2 Black Sapphire 20,000 gp

EP: 1,800
SP: 6,000
BP: 2,000
CP: 3,000

Dagger of Venom 1d4/1d3 (20: PPDM or die)
Staff of Rulership +2 (78 charges)

Magic Items
Ring of Protection +6/+1 Save
Ring of Wizardy (1st-3rd level spells)
Boots of Elvenkind
Cloak of Elvenkind
Hat of Infernal Disguise (works like a hat of disguise except that all divinations reveal only a living person and not an undead being).

Zadok's Assault Scroll: 17th level (Magic Missile, Melf's Acid Arrow, Fireball)
Beowa's Scroll of Rebirth: 16th level (Heal, Reincarnation)
Protection from Dragon Breath
Zadok's Frostbrand Scroll: 19th level (Enchant an Item, Enchanted Weapon, Haste, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Permanency)
Scroll of Protection from Living Beings

4 Clairvoyance & Clairaudience (These potions grant both simultaneously)
2 Flying & Invisibility (These potions grant both simultaneously)
1 Gaseous Form (This potion also incorporates a gust of wind into it allowing for a move of 16)
8 Undead Control (These work at double strength and duration)

Salient Abilities

Voice of Maleficence: 1 Turn; save vs. spell (-1/Hour). Reveal any and all secrets. 

Dream Manipulation: Causes nightmares, receiver knows dreams are being tampered with, inflicts Damage (up to 3d10).

Control Undead Legion: 240 undead of 8 HD or less.

Vortex of Evil: 24 miles, summon all Evilly aligned creatures to it (save vs spells).

Psionic Powers

Energy Containment IC 10, MC na, Range 0, Preparation 0, AoE Personal, Con-2 16.
     With this power he has trained himself to safely absorb and assimilate energy from electricity, fire, cold, heat, and sound; energy that would fry, freeze, or otherwise harm a normal character. Any physical assault based on these energy types can be drawn into Zadok's body. Then he transforms the energy, and safely releases it as visible radiance (light). In effect, this protects Zadok against energy attacks. If he makes a successful power check, he can double the result of his die roll when saving against an energy attack. If he makes a successful saving throw, he suffers no damage from the attack. If he fails, he suffers only half damage, regardless of what the spell description (if applicable) states. When Zadok absorbs energy, he radiates visible light for a number of rounds equal to the points of damage he absorbed. If he suffered half damage, he radiates for that many rounds. If he suffered no damage, roll for damage anyway to see how long he glows. This glow is definitely noticeable, but it is soft, and illuminates no more than an area with a 2-yard radius.

Aura Sight IC 9, MC 9 per round, Range 50 yards, Preparation 0, AoE Personal, Wis-5 15.
     An aura is a glowing halo or envelope of colored light which surrounds all living things. It is invisible to the naked eye. A creature's aura reflects both its alignment and its experience level. When Zadok uses this power, he can see auras. Interpreting an aura requires some concentration, however. With each use of this power, Zadok can learn only one piece of information-either the subject's alignment or experience level, but not both simultaneously. He can examine up to two auras per round. (He must be able to see both subjects.) Alternately, he can examine the same aura twice, to verify his first impression with a second reading or to pick up remaining information. In any case, Zadok must make a new power check each time he attempts to interpret an aura. He can be reasonably discreet when he uses this power. He doesn't have to poke at the subject or give him the hairy eyeball. However, he does need to gaze at the subject intently. Since the range of this power is the range of vision, he can go unnoticed by maintaining his distance. If he tries to sense auras on the people he is conversing with, they certainly will notice that he is staring and probably will be uncomfortable. The level of the character being analyzed affects the power check. The higher the subject's experience level, the tougher it is to interpret the subjects aura. This translates into a -1 penalty for every three levels of the subject, rounded down. For example,  reading the aura of an 8th level character would suffer a - 2 penalty. If the die roll for the power check is a 1, the reading is incomplete or slightly incorrect. For example, he may learn only the chaotic portion of a chaotic neutral alignment. Or he may interpret the character's level with an error of one or two levels.

Cause Decay IC 4, MC na, Range Touch, Prep 0, AoE 60 pounds, Con-2 16.
     This power works only against inanimate objects. Zadok's touch causes instant decay: metal rusts, wood ages and splits, cloth falls to dust. The DM rolls a saving throw vs. acid for the item touched. If this fails, the item-or a maximum of 60 pounds of it-is consumed by decay within one round.

Commonly Memorized Spells

First Level
Cantrip, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Copy, Detect Temporal Anomaly, Diving Rod, Enlarge, Erase, Friends, Hold Portal, Magic Missile, Mending, Shield, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Wall of Fog.

Second Level
Blindness, Choke, Continual Light, Corruption, Deafness, ESP, Forget, Glitterdust, Greater Detect Undead, Invisibility, Knock, Protection from Cantrips, Ray of Enfeeblement, Rope Trick, Strength, Timeslip.

Third Level
Blink, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Delude, Dispel Magic, Item, Life Tether, Lightning Bolt, Minor Paradox, Monster Summoning I, Non-Detection, Skeletal Hand, Spectral Force, Suggestion, Tongues, Windwall.

Fourth Level
Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Enchanted Weapon, Fire Aura, Ice Storm, Monster Summoning II, Stoneskin, Temporal Push.

Fifth Level
Cone of Cold, Devolutionary Warrior, Domination, Fabricate, Monster Summoning III, Sinister Surroundings, Throbbing Bones, Zone of Despair.

Sixth Level
Control Weather, Disintegrate, Enchant an Item, Invulnerability to Magical Weapons, Monster Summoning IV, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Paradox, Permanent Illusion.

Seventh Level
Control Undead, Forcecage, Monster Summoning V, Prismatic Spray, Sands of Time, Spell Turning, Statue, Teleport without Error.

Eighth Level
Antipathy-Sympathy, Clone, Demand, Mass Charm, Monster Summoning VI, Timereaver, Trap the Soul.

Ninth Level
Confer, Create Minion, Energy Drain, Major Paradox, Monster Summoning VII, Shape Change, Succor.

Special Notes

Pharaoh Zoser
     When Zadok was still living he had made a visit to the Priest-King Zoser the Builder, Pharaoh of Saxara. Zoser's adviser and architect, Imhotep had just put the finishing touches on the pyramid that would house his Pharaoh's mummy. Zadok had been commissioned to make the pyramid's gold capstone. After placing the capstone and touring the pyramid Zadok stole the canopic jar containing Zoser's heart.
     After leaving the pyramid Zadok activated the capstone that provided protection to the pyramid. With the capstone active nothing could enter or exit the pyramid. Thousands of years later the capstone is still protecting and containing Pharaoh Zoser and his greater mummy minions.
     Zoser was furious that his heart was stolen he tasked Imhotep, who was on the outside of the pyramid when the capstone activated, with finding Zadok and retrieving his heart. Unbeknownst to either of the Saxarans, Zadok used the heart as an ingredient in his transformation to undeath.
     Zadok has housed this canopic jar in a special complex hidden away from the reach of the Pharaoh and his minions. The enchantments placed by Zadok will steal the soul of anyone who touches the jar and channel that energy through the Heart of Zoser and into Zadok's being.
     With this protection in place and using this ingredient in the making of his phylactery Zadok cannot be fully destroyed until Zoser is as well. This is only one part of his phylactery and other parts are still waiting to be discovered.

     Over the millennia Zadok has created several powerful minions to serve him in various ways and with various needs. Below is a short list of a few of his minions and creations.
  • Deepspawn. Zadok captured this Deepspawn as a way for him to gain quiet control of tribes, fiefdoms, kingdoms, and even empires by sacrificing a leader to this creature and having the resulting spawn return to its previous place. The deepspawn hates Zadok's control over it and has plotted many times to throw off it's shackles. It is guarded by a powerful minion of Zadok's known as Beorn the Disgraced, a storm giant transformed into a death knight by Zadok.
  • Doppelgangers. Zadok created the first doppelgangers while he was still living. They were his crowning glory when he was alive and active. There were five originally made from among the thieves guild he had hired, three from among his elite guards, and two from among his apprentices.
  • Eboran, The Lord of the Vampires. It is said that Eboran resides in a tower of bones and ebony. He is a reclusive and secretive minion of Zadok. His powerful network of spies keep him very much engaged in the affairs of the living. He can bring to bear an army of greater and normal vampires should the need arise.
  • Items of Servitude. These items have been spread far and wide to allow Zadok to gain control of as many useful minions as possible. He has even figured out a way to alter the enchantments of existing items to add the servitude curse to them!
  • The King of Death. A zombie lord of great age with a court of eleven zombie lords at his command. He has two mummy guards in his throne room and a crypt thing guarding his treasury. The King of Death's Court consists of The Prince of Rot, The Duke of Fester, The Duke of Ruin, The Count of Guile, The Count of Enervation, The Count of Wreckage, The Baron of Ebb, The Baron of Putrescence, The Baron of Desecration, The Baron of Corruption, and The Baron DeFlower.
  • The Twelve Weretribes. In his search to make improvements to living creatures Zadok came upon rituals to merge animal and humans. His first experiments created the Twelve Weretibes. The tribes are, in order of creation: Wolf, Rat, Fox, Bat, Boar, Bear, Raven, Seawolf, Shark, Spider, Tiger, and Snake. When he created these tribes he used primarily child slaves he purchased expressly for this purpose. Those who survived the transformations were granted names and freedom to roam the lands of Xaqi. Within the magics used to create the tribes is a curse that will bring their descendants to serve Zadok should he call them.

     Zadok is obsessed not only with immortality but with gaining godhood. To that end he has spent countless years researching magics that are dangerous to mortal beings. He has mastered the art of Chronomancy in his long years and believes he has found a way to gain his goal of becoming a god. He has discovered that there is a level of magics greater than ever thought possible (tenth level and higher magics). He has started to research ways to gain this power for himself. Should he succeed in gaining this power he would become quite possibly one of the most powerful beings on Xaqi!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Magic Items: Item of Servitude

Item of Servitude 


     These insidious items were first created by Zadok the Enchanter, a powerful salient lich. He spent long years crafting many items of great quality and workmanship. Each of these he placed all over the Empire of Ralifon, the Chi'in Empire, the Kingdom of Saxara and many other places around Xaqi. He continues to manufacture more Items of Servitude to help him increase his army of undead minions. Every item he makes is indistinguishable from a normal magical item of the same type. If he can get an already existing item in his clutches he will add this evil enchantment into it.


     An Item of Servitude functions as per other items of the same typeand shall bear the following curse as an additional hidden power.
     This curse affects the will of the wearer. The wearer is subject to the orders and whims of the item's creator. The curse cannot be removed by any means short of a wish spell. If the item is removed from the wearer they will attempt to regain the item at any cost, even the death of loved ones or themselves. Should they die in the pursuit of the item they will suffer the effects of the curse as if they still possessed the item.
     The control exerted by this item is not detectable by normal magical means, but is susceptible to certain psionic disciplines. When the wearer is ordered to do something opposed to their alignment they are allowed a saving throw vs. death magic to resist. If the save is successful, the creator can issue the order again in 1d4 hours. The wearer's save is made at a cumulative -1 each time that the order is reissued. The more orders issued contrary to the wearers alignment will shift it towards the alignment of the actions they are being forced to make.
     Upon the death of the wearer, their spirit is trapped within the item. The wearer cannot be resurrected or raised in any way. After 1d8 days the spirit is forced into a state of undeath by the item creator, who may choose the type of undead that the wearer becomes, only corporeal undead are allowed. The item creator has complete control of the undead as long as the item is still worn by the undead creature. If the item is removed from the undead wearer, they disintegrate in 1d4 rounds, unless they can get the item back and put it on again.
     After the undead wearer is destroyed, either by the above means or by any other means, the item will act just like any other item of its kind for a period of 1d4 years. At which time its more sinister properties will emerge again.


     This curse can only be added to permanent magical items as well as rechargeable magic items, such as wands or staffs. Single use items, like potions and most scrolls cannot bear this terrible enchantment. Artifacts and relics can be altered to bear this enchantment.