Rasa Mon's Pipeweeds
Over his career Rasa Mon has made several different blends of pipeweeds as well as creating special pipeweed plants. Many of these pipeweeds are merely combinations of different plants meant to give the smoke different flavors and scents. A few rare pipeweeds are more powerful in their effects. These are what will be outlined below.
Rasa Mon's Audaciously Brazen Pipeweed
This pipeweed burns hot and produces a medium amount of strongly flavored smoke. It is best smoked after a meal as the dry pipeweed is strong with coriander and has hints of fennel and rosemary to it. This pipeweed confers a bonus of +2 to all Morale, Fear, Horror & Madness type saves for 3 hours. 140 uses and 320 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Vegetative Elocution Pipeweed
This moist and unusual pipeweed has a musky scent and tastes vaguely of mushroom and pepper. It produces a medium level of smoke that causes slight euphoria and makes light a bit more intense. It is not unusual for the user to feel slightly disconnected from their sense of touch and more in tune with the natural world. Some people experience strong hallucinations. While smoking this pipeweed the smoker is able to communicate with plants as per a Speak with Plants spell. This does not confer any kind of control over plants, just communicative ability. 160 uses and 3,200 PP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Unwittingly Absentminded Pipeweed
This sweet and full bodied pipeweed makes a large amount of smoke which causes forgetfulness in all who inhale the rose-like fragrant vapors. Spellcasters wandering within 5 feet of a user of Rasa Mon's Absentminded Pipeweed, that is actively burning must save vs. poison or lose one randomly determined spell per round; the loss is not realized until the spellcaster attempts to use the spell. Those inhaling the apple flavored smoke directly, experience amnesia (complete loss of identity, memory, and memorized spells) unless they make a save vs. poison at a -4 penalty. The loss of memory and identity is permanent unless a heal, wish, or restoration spell is employed, though new spells can be memorized to replace erased ones. 160 uses and 160 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Insect Mephitic Pipeweed
This very moist pipeweed, burns very hot, yet has a light mesquite taste. It gives off a large cloud of aromatic smoke, the scent of which will generally repel insects. Each use will keep insects at a 60 foot distance and lasts for up to 15 minutes after smoking. 120 uses and 320 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Toxicant Nostrum Pipeweed
This liquorice flavored medium-dry pipeweed has a slow burn which give off virtually no smoke. Within the pipeweed is a dweomer that will protect against poison for five hours after smoking it. 130 uses and 260 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Vaporous Serenity Pipeweed
Anyone who breathes the smoke from this black, lavender and grapefruit scented pipeweed is affected by an aura of calm that reduces their anger. This calmness will make anyone affected to act more openly and reasonably, even with their worst enemies (save vs spells, or at -4 to all combat actions). 160 uses and 160 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Camouflaging Toke Pipeweed
This light yellow pipeweed is dry and brittle with a hot burn and almost no smoke or flavor. It will make the user invisible for up to four hours after smoking it. Any actions that would break normal invisibility will also end this effect. 160 uses and 430 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Air of the Shih Liu Pipeweed
This dark reddish-brown, tart and spicy-sweet pipeweed has a slow burn with average amounts of smoke. It will make the user completely immune to all forms of Dragon Breath, while they smoke it. The effect will last for 1d2 rounds after the last breath taken is exhaled. 120 uses
and 3,200 PP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Chasuble of Twilight Pipeweed
This medium reddish-brown pipeweed has a slight scent of frankincense and tastes of strong coffee. It causes the user to radiate an aura of soft shadow that reduces light sources in their proximity. This make it easier for them to hide in shadows (+10% bonus). The effects of this pipeweed last for 3d4 turns after smoking. 160 uses and 500 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Flammable Incombustible Pipeweed
This pipeweed has a heavy wood flavor and spicy tang that burns like fire in the lungs. The smoke from this dry pipeweed is thick and choking to all those around. This pipeweed comes from the Elemental Plane of Fire and makes the pipe smoker immune to all heat & fire based magic and attacks for 1d4 turns. As an added bonus the user can breathe normally on the Elemental Plane of Fire. 100 uses and 1,000 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Tear-ific Pipeweed
This terrible pun of a pipeweed is dark green, has a salty taste and smells of the sea. This pipeweed is very odd in that it does not burn in air, only underwater. While the pipeweed is submerged underwater it creates a small amount of light and heat giving off enough "smoke" to allow an air breathing creature to breathe underwater. A pipe full of this "Tear-ific" stuff is sufficient for 1d2 turns of air. 160 uses and 520 GP per pound.
Rasa Mon's Wayfaring Phantasmagoria Pipeweed
This rare and dangerous pipeweed is a bright blue color, has no discernible scent or flavor. The smoke is thick and yellow causing the user and anyone caught within the smoke (save vs. poison at -4 to avoid effects long enough to leave the area) to have very real hallucinations. These vivid experiences are so strong that the user(s) will slip out of reality and end up at a randomly determined plane of existence (as per an Amulet of the Planes) varying for each individual. 100 uses and 5,800 PP per pound.