The faith and mythology of the Phytokinoesians has only a few important personages. The four
major gods of their pantheon are Ajyaxway the Green Spirit, Kerha the
Smiling Mother, Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper, and Sito the Crone. Each of
these gods are associated with a different season and their holiest days
coincides with the equinoxes and solstices.The other major god of their pantheon is the evil trickster god who had put them into slavery and servitude to the humans and elves. He is so feared that they do not name him in order to prevent his returning and to keep hidden from him.
Ajyaxway the Green Spirit
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Ajyaxway the Green Spirit |
Ajyaxway is the God of Spring. His portfolio is slightly odd for a God that is usually portrayed as male. It covers birth, love and rejuvenation. He is also the God most associated with the element of water.
The spring equinox is the holiest day for Ajyaxway, as it marks the beginning of Spring. On the equinox the Phytokinoesians hold prayers for continued health and bounty. This celebration is also know as the Dance of the Birds and Bees. When the sun rises the bees, and other pollinators, are let loose. The Sylvane will do pleasing dances to attract them. This is also a time when the Phytokinoesians are at their most vulnerable. When their flowers open they become quite easy to find, due to the wondrous scent released. This is also when the Sylvani will be at their most aggressive to protect the others from predators or slavers.
The Green Spirit's priests are expert apiculturists and aviculturists. The villages and spelljamming vessels of the Phytokinoesians are replete with bees and birds, as well as a type of beetle that makes a pleasant humming sound. Without these pollinators they cannot easily reproduce. These pollinators are seen as a part of the Green Spirit's being and will. Specialty priests of Ajyaxway are always expected to be skilled in bee or bird keeping (bonus proficiency of Animal Handling, Birds or Bees) as well as their other duties as members of the clergy (required proficiency of Religion).
To become a Specialty Priest of Ajyaxway requires wisdom and hardiness (Wisdom score of 14 and Constitution score of 13). All priests can lay on hands three times a day (as per Paladin of same level, priest loses the same number of hit points). At third level Ajyaxway's priests gain the ability to summon water and soil, once a day (as per Create Water spell, same volume of soil is also created. No vocal, somatic or material components required). At fifth level they can summon a swarm of bees or birds twice a day (as per Summon Swarm spell. No vocal, somatic or material components required). Priests of the Green Spirit cannot turn undead.
They can use any weapon they choose but cannot wear any armor. Priests are granted major access to the spheres of All, Animal, Charm, Creation, Elemental (Water and Earth), Healing, Plant, Summoning, and Weather. They get minor access to Divination, Necromantic, Protection, and Sun.
The hierarchy of the church of Ajyaxway is very loose and there are no titles greater than Brother or Sister.
Kerha the Smiling Mother
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Kerha the Smiling Mother |
The summer solstice is the holiest day for Kerha, as it marks the beginning of summer. This holy day is usually spent with the Sylvane rooting in a single sunny spot for the entire day. During this time they will open their arms and spread out their leaves. To most observers this will resemble an evenly spread out copse of small trees. During this time the fruit of the Sylvane is visible and the Lesser Pythokinoesians will harvest the fruits and plant them under the supervision of the Sylvani.
These fruits will sprout into the next generation of Sylvane. As such, they will be closely guarded and protected by the village. The plantings will always be in places with sufficient sunlight. The taproot of the plant will dig deep into the soil until it finds sufficient water. Kerha is known as the Smiling Mother because her fire is what nourishes the Phytokinoesians to give them life.
The priests of Kerha are always skilled in agriculture (bonus proficiency of Agriculture). Many are also skilled in the arts of smithing, architecture, and animal husbandry (Required to choose one; Animal Handling, Engineering, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Leatherworking, Pottery, or Stonemasonry).
To become a Specialty Priest of Kerha the Smiling Mother requires wisdom, strength, and intellect (Wisdom 13, Strength 12, Intelligence 12). All priests can create an arc of flames three times per day at first level (as per the Burning Hands spell. No vocal, somatic, or material components required). At third level they can Control Plants once a day per level (As per Potion of Plant Control). Priests of the Smiling Mother are able to turn undead as a cleric of the same level.
Specialty Priests of Kerha can use any bladed weapon, as well as a flail, rake, or trident. They cannot wear armor greater than studded leather. Priests are granted major access to the spheres of All, Animal, Combat, Elemental (Fire and Water), Plant, Sun, and Weather. They get minor access to Divination, Charm, Guardian, and Protection.
The hierarchy of the Church of Kerha is not as loose as Ajyaxway, but not as strict as Jē a yōd'dhā's military structure. It is more akin to the hierarchy of an artisan or stonemason guild, with the same titles.
Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper
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Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper |
Jē a yōd'dhā is the God of Autumn. His portfolio covers death, passion, war and warriors. He is the God most associated with the element of air.
The autumnal equinox is the holiest day for Jē a yōd'dhā, as it marks the beginning of autumn. At sunset the festivities begin with a large ceremonial march of forces around the fields and the priest of Kerha handing over the first harvest to the priest of Jē a yōd'dhā. He will then march back to the village center and throw it into a ceremonial bonfire. Then the Phytokinoesians will have a party to celebrate the harvest and the beginning of fall that will go until sunrise.
For the first few weeks after the festival all able bodied Sylvane will drill with the Sylvani and the Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā on tactics, weapons, and war games. This helps to prepare them for when or if they are attacked. During this time any Sylvane that have potential or are skilled in the arts of arcane magics are taken under the tutelage of a master. After the drills and war games are completed the Sylvane will secure their village and fields for the upcoming winter.
The priests of Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper are all skilled tacticians (bonus proficiency of Strategy one slot Intelligence -2) and leaders (bonus proficiency of Leadership one slot Charisma -1).
To become a Specialty Priest of Jē a yōd'dhā requires wisdom, intellect and charisma (Wisdom 13, Intelligence 13, Charisma 13). All priests of the Reaper are granted a bonus to their THAC0 (same chart as a Fighter of the same level). At third level they can cause their comrades, followers, and troops to fight with better coordination and strength twice a day (+3 bonus to attacks, saving throws and armor class for one round per level). Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā cannot turn undead.
Specialty Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper are able to use any weapon or armor they choose. They are also granted Major access to the spheres of All, Charm, Combat, Elemental (Air and Fire), Plant, and Protection. They get minor access to Divination and Healing.
The hierarchy of the Church of Jē a yōd'dhā is very strict and militaristic with many military titles and functions.
The autumnal equinox is the holiest day for Jē a yōd'dhā, as it marks the beginning of autumn. At sunset the festivities begin with a large ceremonial march of forces around the fields and the priest of Kerha handing over the first harvest to the priest of Jē a yōd'dhā. He will then march back to the village center and throw it into a ceremonial bonfire. Then the Phytokinoesians will have a party to celebrate the harvest and the beginning of fall that will go until sunrise.
For the first few weeks after the festival all able bodied Sylvane will drill with the Sylvani and the Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā on tactics, weapons, and war games. This helps to prepare them for when or if they are attacked. During this time any Sylvane that have potential or are skilled in the arts of arcane magics are taken under the tutelage of a master. After the drills and war games are completed the Sylvane will secure their village and fields for the upcoming winter.
The priests of Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper are all skilled tacticians (bonus proficiency of Strategy one slot Intelligence -2) and leaders (bonus proficiency of Leadership one slot Charisma -1).
To become a Specialty Priest of Jē a yōd'dhā requires wisdom, intellect and charisma (Wisdom 13, Intelligence 13, Charisma 13). All priests of the Reaper are granted a bonus to their THAC0 (same chart as a Fighter of the same level). At third level they can cause their comrades, followers, and troops to fight with better coordination and strength twice a day (+3 bonus to attacks, saving throws and armor class for one round per level). Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā cannot turn undead.
Specialty Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper are able to use any weapon or armor they choose. They are also granted Major access to the spheres of All, Charm, Combat, Elemental (Air and Fire), Plant, and Protection. They get minor access to Divination and Healing.
The hierarchy of the Church of Jē a yōd'dhā is very strict and militaristic with many military titles and functions.
Sito the Crone
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Sito the Crone |
Sito is the Goddess of Winter, Magic, and the Afterlife. She is the God most associated with the element of earth.
The winter solstice is the holiest day for Sito the Crone. For a week before the solstice there are competitions held in differing events. Such as wrestling, archery, illusion crafting, pottery, and so on. When the sun sets on the winter solstice a series of campfires is lit by the village crone in a specific pattern. Then all of the members of the village take their appointed spots and chant. The chant is a haunting bass that fills the air with a spooky atmosphere. While the chant is going on the crone passes by each individual and anoints them with a special oil. As each is anointed they stop their chant. When the final individual is anointed and the chanting has ceased the crone moves to the center of the fires and they all go out at once.
This ceremony puts the village into a resting state and allows them to pass the cold winter in comfort and relative safety. The crone as well as the winners of certain contests are left awake to protect the land from their enemies.
The priests of Sito are skilled herbalists (bonus proficiency Herbalism) and storytellers (bonus proficiency in either Ancient History or Local History. The other is then required to be purchased).
To become a Specialty Priest of the Crone requires great wisdom and intellect (Wisdom 15 and Intelligence 13). All priests of Sito are granted a familiar to serve them (just as it would a wizard using the Find Familiar spell). At third level they can brew potions (same rules apply to them as do wizards brewing potions, they are granted knowledge of one formula per level at and beyond third level). At fifth level they are able to scry using a basin of water or a polished black stone (this works as per a Crystal Ball). At seventh level they are granted the ability to curse, or bless, individuals (as per the Witch kit from the Wizard's Handbook. Blessings are either the reverse or up to DM discretion). Priests of Sito are able to turn undead.
This ceremony puts the village into a resting state and allows them to pass the cold winter in comfort and relative safety. The crone as well as the winners of certain contests are left awake to protect the land from their enemies.
The priests of Sito are skilled herbalists (bonus proficiency Herbalism) and storytellers (bonus proficiency in either Ancient History or Local History. The other is then required to be purchased).
To become a Specialty Priest of the Crone requires great wisdom and intellect (Wisdom 15 and Intelligence 13). All priests of Sito are granted a familiar to serve them (just as it would a wizard using the Find Familiar spell). At third level they can brew potions (same rules apply to them as do wizards brewing potions, they are granted knowledge of one formula per level at and beyond third level). At fifth level they are able to scry using a basin of water or a polished black stone (this works as per a Crystal Ball). At seventh level they are granted the ability to curse, or bless, individuals (as per the Witch kit from the Wizard's Handbook. Blessings are either the reverse or up to DM discretion). Priests of Sito are able to turn undead.
Priests are granted major access to all spheres of magic. They are restricted to the following weapons: dagger, dart, knife, club and staff. They cannot wear any armor.
There is no real hierarchy to the church of Sito the Crone. Generally there is a single crone in a village with up to three assistant crones. When the assistant(s) learn all they can they will either take the place of the current crone, move out to another village who needs one, or move out into the wilderness until called on by needy supplicants.
There is no real hierarchy to the church of Sito the Crone. Generally there is a single crone in a village with up to three assistant crones. When the assistant(s) learn all they can they will either take the place of the current crone, move out to another village who needs one, or move out into the wilderness until called on by needy supplicants.
The Unnamed One
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Sigil of the Unnamed |
The Unnamed one is the God of deceit, lies, and evil. He is the God most associated with the element of decay.
Since the Unnamed is not worshiped by the Phytokinoesians there is little information on the rites rituals or holy days of this deity. It is said that undead are a form of his power and that he controls them as well as the other forces of decay and destruction.
Since the Unnamed is not worshiped by the Phytokinoesians there is little information on the rites rituals or holy days of this deity. It is said that undead are a form of his power and that he controls them as well as the other forces of decay and destruction.
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