Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Gods: Emperor Chi'in Keeper of the Tree of Life

Emperor Chi'in

Portrait of Emperor Chi'in
The Mandate of Heaven

     Long ago, before this empire of Chi'in had been tamed, our Esteemed August Ruler fought many battles against the forces of chaos and darkness. Tireless as he is, Our Sagacious Kingship knew that he must find powerful weapons and allies to assist him in his mission.
     In his search The Son of Heaven came upon a dried lake bed. There was an old fisherman who lived in a run down hut on the old shore of this lake bed. The fisherman hosted His Majesty within his humble dwelling. The Lord of Ten Thousand Years inquired of the fisherman why the lake bed was dry. The fisherman told the tale of the comet that fell from the heavens landing in the Lake Huángsè. This comet drank up the entire lake, as well as the River Jīnshuǐ which fed the lake.
     Our Magnificent Emperor decided to go the bottom of the lake bed to investigate this comet. There he found a great golden pearl. When His Glorious Majesty reached out to touch it, a flash of lightning shot out of the sky and rent the pearl. Water issued forth from the golden pearl in strong torrential waves. A typhoon wind thrashed as Our Most Potent Emperor mightily worked to keep his footing against the winds and waters. Despite his forceful efforts he was pushed back further and further until he reached the shore of Lake Huángsè. After the numinous storm passed, a snake of five colors slithered out of the remnants of the great golden pearl and wrapped its small body around the legs of Our Excellent Puissant King. He patiently waited as the snake surrounding him grew and transmogrified into a beautiful dragon.
     As it took flight lifting him towards the sky, Our Golden Tongued Emperor spoke with the dragon. He, The Holy and Exalted One convinced the dragon to bless him with its magic and assist him in fighting the forces of chaos. The dragon, Yinglong, seeing that Our Great Principled One is an honorable man, possessed of a noble spirit, granted his wish. Yinglong gifted Our Magnanimous Lordship with the sword Chun Jun, which is made of a tooth and talon from Yinglong.
     With Yinglong at his side, His Most Chivalrous One traveled the world over fighting the forces of chaos and darkness. Still, Our Great and Exalted Emperor needed more allies and power to defeat these forces. After many long travels he found the resting place of the legendary Scroll of Qi. The Monks of Qi, sworn protectors of the Scroll, seeing Yinglong with His Most Fearsome One, swore fealty to The Great Noble Emperor. They trained him to use the knowledge of the Scroll of Qi in order to contend with the forces of chaos. With this training from the Monks of Qi and the warriors of the Order of Qi, His Great Holiness set out to continue his campaign.
     The Magnific Emperor, Yinglong, and the Monks of Qi heard tales of a great palace atop a tall mountain. Our Wise and Illustrious Majesty then traveled to the mountain, Shèng Gāoshān, with his armies. This grand pilgrimage to the top of the holy mountain was arduous and deadly. Yinglong could not fly them to the top, as the mountain reached above the sky and into Heaven.
     Undeterred, our Eminent Lord continued on foot. Yinglong and the Monks waited while Our Valiant King completed the pilgrimage alone up to the summit. When there he beheld the White Jade Palace of Fènghuáng.
      Once he made it to the enormous doors of the Palace they opened to admit our Distinguished Lordship. There he made offerings of pearls, jade, silver, and incense to the Fènghuáng. Pleased by his humility and manner the Fènghuáng gifted to His Majestic Lordship the great bow, Fènghuáng Gōng.
     A light meal and tea was served as the Fènghuáng listened to the fascinating tales of His Resplendent Majesty's mission and deeds. At the conclusion of the tales, the Fènghuáng brought Our Marvelous Lord to the Stairs of Heaven. Before The Most Honorable One was allowed to ascend the stairs, the Fènghuáng warned him to not to look at the Emperor of Heaven.
     "This," the Fènghuáng said, "is the one inviolable rule of Heaven."
     With this warning in mind, Our Splendid King of Kings ascended the Stairs of Heaven. At the top of the stairs within the throne room of the Emperor of Heaven is where His Fine Lordship pleaded his case for the power to defeat chaos.
     The Emperor of Heaven said nothing during this petition and at the conclusion Our Astute Lord looked not at the Emperor of Heaven, patiently waiting for him to speak. Long moments passed, becoming long minutes. His Sterling Eminence fought hard with curiosity, longing and wanting to look upon the Emperor of Heaven. After many hours passed The Great Slayer of Chaos, facing towards the floor, opened his eyes. Refusing to look upon that which was forbidden he saw at his feet a red square stone.
     Carved into the stone was the Seal of the Mandate of Heaven. His most Respectful One bowed deeply to the Emperor of Heaven thanking him for his gift and returned down the Stairs of Heaven. At the bottom of the Stairs the Fènghuáng still waited. Seeing that Our Modest King held the Seal of the Mandate of Heaven, the Fènghuáng escorted His Enlightened Majesty out of the White Jade Palace of Fènghuáng.
     Now that Our Most Venerable One had the tools needed to defeat the forces of chaos and darkness he set forth down Shèng Gāoshān. His Magnificence won many skirmishes. These victories are what allowed our great empire to form.

Bùxiǔ de Huángdì (不朽的皇帝), The Dark One, Esteemed August Ruler of Life, Keeper of the Tree of Life

Intermediate Power (Chi'in Empire, LE)

Portfolio: Life & Death, Law & Order, Technology, Literature and Writing. 
Domain Name: Chi'in Empire, The Forbidden City. 
Superior: Amn 
Allies: Pharaoh Inmhotep, Beowa, Erron of Solitude. 
Foes: Wazirëkyn, Yaldabaoth. 
Symbol: The Seal of the Mandate of Heaven. 
Worshiper Alignment: Any.


     Emperor Chi'in is the Ruler of the mysterious land of Chi'in. He is the protector of the Tree of Life, the fruit of which is supposed to grant immortality to whomever eats it. It is said that he was the first god to create order out of the chaos of creation and brought forth humankind and gave them laws and civilization.

Chi'in's Avatar

A/C: -10 HD: 35 HP: 1 THAC0: -10 #Att: 1r Dmg: Death MR: 90% Size: M Move: 12
Str: 19 Dex: 17 Con: 25 Int: 23 Wis: 24 Cha: 23 Com: 25
PPDM: 1 RSW: 1 PP: 1 BW: 1 OS: 1 Fear: 1 Horror: 1 Madness: 1

      Chi'in heals all damage done to him instantly and is immune to disease, poison & all forms of charm, hold and mind affecting spells. He cannot be killed by any known means and is a warrior-king of unparalleled skill and cunning. In combat he is treated as a 50th level fighter.
     Chi'in has a few special attacks he has mastered over the many eons of his existence. He can attack one opponent within 1,000 paces and cause instant death to a being of lesser than demi-god status with his One Thousand Step Smiting Touch. He can attack every opponent within his view, doing 5d10 damage and causing affected survivors, to kneel in supplication with his Emperor of Heaven Gaze. He can knock over an entire army with a single swipe of his sword, named Chun Jun. Leaving them defenseless on their backs for 3d6 rounds with his Typhoon Sword Strike. He can, with his bow Fènghuáng Gōng, fire the Rain of 10,000 Meteors. Shooting a single arrow, it then becomes 10,000 arrows. These strike unerringly up to 13 miles distant doing 1d8 damage, then explode and cause 3d6 fire damage per arrow.
     Beyond these martial abilities Chi'in is the ruler of one of the more powerful empires of Xaqi. The country is a well run kingdom with an efficient bureaucracy of well trained and tested individuals. The general populace is well fed and ordered, with basic schooling for all citizens. There are several temples and monasteries. A well trained and equipped army of about 3 million, with the ability to muster 10 times that in defense of the realm.
     His personal estate is surrounded by an orchard of orderly and carefully pruned peach trees. Each one is manicured to look exactly alike and legend states that one of the trees is the fabled Tree of Life.


     Chi'in's primary mount is Yinglong. A dragon of great age and power. It is said that this dragon can fly swiftly across the sky, going from one edge of the world to the other in a single day without ever tiring.
     Yinglong is worshiped as a deity in its own right. Yinglong is the bringer of rain in the Chi'in mythology. Both rains beneficial to agriculture and the torrential monsoon rains that cause rivers to run over their banks and destroy villages.
     Yinglong is the eldest of the dragons of Chi'in. There are also the dragons, Ao Guang, Ao Qin, Ao Run, and Ao Shun.
     Dragons are depicted as the bringers of good fortune and luck. They also bring misfortune to those who dishonor their family, village or emperor. The dragon is also a symbol of Imperial authority within Chi'in.

The Clergy

     Priests of Chi'in are varied in their backgrounds but are all made to pass competitive examinations designed to show that they understand the imperial laws and are able to dutifully follow them. These are not priests in the more western sense of the word but more like divine administrators. As administrators and bureaucrats they have a significant amount of power over their assigned areas. Given that responsibility they are also held to almost draconian rules and oversight.
     These bureaucrats are usually restricted to warrior and priest classes. The occasional thief is able to buy his way into a post, though they tend not to last long if they cannot perform the duties. It is the rare Wu Jen (wizard) that chooses to become an administrator or bureaucrat.

Clergy Alignment: Any Lawful

Turn/Control Undead: No 

Bonus Proficiencies: Bureaucracy, Law, Read and Write Chi'inese.

Required Proficiencies: Ancient History, Local History, Mathematics.

     Depending on the test scores received the applicant could be placed in any number of government posts. They could be placed in control of a social welfare program such as a retirement home, public clinic, public school, or pauper graveyard.
     The applicant could be placed in the widespread postal system that provides swift communication throughout the empire. The central government employs thousands of postal workers of various ranks to provide service for post offices and larger postal stations.
     They could be placed in the printing or minting office that controls the monetary system of Chi'in. This office is in charge of taxation, collections and official printings of books and other paper based propaganda.
     The foreign ministers office deals with trade and keeping tabs on all foreign born visitors and residents. This office collects duties from foreign trade but does not collect internal taxes.
     The office of Magistrate is a highly sought after position. Those who serve as judges are highly respected. They determine the guilty party in a criminal act. Meting out punishment accordingly, usually caning. A guilty individual or party brought to court for a criminal or civil offense are not viewed as wholly innocent until proven otherwise. Also, accusers are viewed with a high level of suspicion by the magistrates. The court system has very high monetary costs to it. So most people try to come to an agreement outside of the courts whenever possible.
     Relatedly, the candidate could be placed into a post as a constable or inspector. These persons make up the bulk of the police forces within different provinces as well as determining cause of death in cases of murders or suicide. The constabulary are where many former soldiers or fighting monks get placed.
     Lastly, the most sought after post is that of Prefect. This grants the person high status and they are essentially to lord of the prefecture or province depending on the posting.

Divine Bureaucrat

Requirements: Int 12, Wis 13, Str 9
Prime Requisite: Wis
Alignment: Any Lawful
Weapons: Any
Armour: All
Major Spheres: None, as no spells are granted
Minor Spheres: None, as no spells are granted
Magical Items: Any
Races allowed: Human, Korobokuru, Hengeyokai, Spirit Folk

Special Granted Powers
     Divine Bureaucrats do not gain proficiency slots like normal priests. They get a slot at every level and must choose to save or use it for either a weapon or nonweapon slot. They do start out with the normal slot allotment as other priest types. They can choose proficiencies from any category as long as there is a teacher or text available to grant them said knowledge.
     Many Divine Bureaucrats also dedicate themselves to the martial arts. The followers of the Qi Arts are said to possess powers similar to magical abilities.

Spell-like abilities: None

Friday, August 25, 2017

Arcane Spells: Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Level VIII

Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Volume VIII

     Greetings friends, This series of posts will contains several spells I have created for a personal character I have played for 28 years. The character, Rasa Mon Fry, is an generalist Elf Mage of high level. He has focused much of his magical studies on plant based magics. I have played this character in many different settings and with many different DMs, needless to say he is well traveled.
     All of these spells are available to use in your campaigns, I only ask that you keep the "Rasa Mon's <blank>" titles. The character is one who will freely teach these spells to any wizard who would like to learn them. He can be summoned by a special amulet.
     If, as a DM, you feel that these spells would be harmful to the balance of your campaign, feel free to ignore any or all of them!

Eighth Level Arcane Spells List

Elemental Transmutation
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 10 cubic feet per level
Saving Throw: Negates
Reversible: No

     This spell transforms one type of element into a different type of element of the caster's choice. The caster can turn a fire into earth, ash, magma, lightning, etc. The transmutation from one element to another requires 1 gp per 10 cu' to be transmuted. This spell cannot be used to turn an element into gold or other pure metals, though gold or other metals can be turned into another element. This spell is effective against elementals. The elemental will get a save vs spells to avoid the transmutation.

Lair Bonding
Range: Special
Components: V, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Caster and 10 cubic feet per level
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     The caster gains an intimate knowledge of his wizard tower/lair. With the casting of the spell he falls into a deep sleep from which he cannot be awakened until the spell is completed. While asleep he learns more and more about every room, hallway, cabinet and item. He starts with a base chance of 40% to recognize missing items. This chance increases by 5% with each new casting of the spell (11 times maximum 95% chance), as does the area covered by the spell.
     The connection formed between the spell caster and lair allows him to know when something is missing, to recall specific details about favorite treasures and to subliminally “see” and listen to sounds in his lair, even when the caster is away. With concentration he can view and hear everything happening within his lair regardless of his own whereabouts. So strong is his connection he can even feel and smell what is within his lair. He is granted True Seeing within his lair, can detect invisible objects or persons, as well as see through any illusions. While within his lair he can never be surprised and will always have initiative in any combat within its confines. The bond is strong enough that teleport spells will always succeed when used to travel to this lair.
     The material components of this spell are a scale from a dragon & a hoard of treasure with a value of no less than 1,000,000 gp (per casting) and it must include at least 1 magical item, 1 art object (worth no more than 100,000 gp) & 3 gems (worth at least 500 gp each). The wizard must cast the spell while standing within this hoard, at this time he will fall into a magical slumber for 10 months, which will bond him to this hoard and his lair.
     If the caster loses even a single piece of this bonded hoard, major problems occur. First, he cannot advance from his current level without an intact bonded hoard. Second, for each portion of a bonded hoard that is missing from his lair, he will begin to lose power and abilities, starting with those gained for casting the spell and advancing to losing spell slots. The caster’s own connection to the missing item(s) can be used to locate it, provided he is on the same plane as its present location and makes his recognition roll (base 35% chance, plus 5% per additional casting). If this roll is successful he can attempt to teleport to the item's location with at least a 75% chance of success. Once the item is recovered and returned to the bonded hoard within the wizard’s lair, all lost abilities return immediately.

Summon Planar Plant
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 rounds, plus 1 round per level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 1d4 plants
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the caster is able to summon 1d4 plants from either the Inner planes or the Outer planes. The summoning will be from a random plane and be random plants (DM Discretion). If the caster has knowledge of planar flora their chance of summoning a specific species of plant increases (Base 10% +5% per point of Int, +10% per Proficiency slot in Planar Knowledge, Planar Herbalism, Etc). If they possess a sample of the desired plant then they can summon that species of plant with 100% accuracy. The summoned plants, if Intelligent, get a save vs spell to resist control, should it fail to save it can be commanded to do anything that it would normally be capable of doing. This spell carries a danger that the summoned plant may leave a part of itself in the prime material and begin to take root (DM Discretion).

Tree of Souls
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 week
Area of Effect: Caster or creature touched
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     This spell transforms one normal tree of any type into a receptacle for the life force of the creature touched. If said creature is slain their soul will travel to the tree and begin the process of regenerating. After 3 months the creature emerges, without gear or clothing, from the tree. All physical traits and memories intact. If the affected creature is slain on a plane other than the plane that the tree is on then the bond is considered broken and they are forever slain, only a Wish spell can bring them back.
     This enchantment also give the affected creature a longer lifespan. Their aging will slow down keeping them healthy as long as the tree is also kept healthy. If the affected creature dies of old age (or in the case of elves travels to Arvanaith) then they are free of the spell and are allowed to pass on to the next world.
     Any damage done to the tree will immediately be felt by the recipient of this spell. Should the tree be killed the recipient will also perish. The material components of this spell are a piece of amber worth 1000 gp, the blood of a Treant and a lock of hair from a Nymph.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Locations: Sitaurchus, Kingdom of the Bull


Coat of Arms of Sitaurchus

Kingdom of the Bull

 Locations Overview
     Riverport has a population of about 50, one inn/stable, a dozen small warehouses and a lumber mill/shipwright. There is a dirt packed road that goes west by southwest, just skirting the edge of the Golden Woods. The Ilfaras River flows south from the Icevale Mountains. The Ilfaras is fed by a mountain lake, known as Durimeran and several smaller streams. The eastern shores are home to the Hobbits of the Eight Counties and the Elven Kingdom of Alurien. Farther east is the Sea of a Hundred Tears. To the south of Riverport is the Bay of Stags and the City of Sitaurchus. Sitaurchus is ruled by Oscar III, known as "The Brute" by his subjects.
     The other major towns under the control of Sitaurchus are Homenell and Luhté. Both are waterfront fortresses that have had a town grow around them. The population of Homenell is roughly 2,000 and is surrounded by irrigated farmlands. Homenell is the granary of the kingdom.
     Luhté has a population of roughly 3,000. It is bordered by hills and has two active mines, one of iron ore and the other of silver ore.
     There are numerous smaller villages all over the kingdom. The roads connecting them all are little more than well worn cart paths. Most of the population of the kingdom are on these lands under the rule of the local Nobles. There are few travelers between these villages and keeps as the roads are not safe and most people are serfs.

Historical Backrgound 
     The city of Sitaurchus has a population of around 5,000. The Castle of the Bull is of moderate size. It was built in the Bay of Stags as an outpost, later gifted to Oscar I, The Trollbane, after the Second Goblin invasion.
     His son, Henry I, The Architect, expanded the Castle grounds and built the Harbour. Henry II, The Fat, fancied himself a mariner and built the Royal Navy, consisting of four large vessels, with a dozen smaller craft as support.
     His son George I, The Vagrant, ruled for five years before being poisoned by his wife Margaret. She ruled as Regent until her son George II, The Wise, came of age. He wisely maintained a facade of servility until he had consolidated his power. He then banished his mother from the kingdom.
     Six years later she returned with a mercenary force of 10,000 soldiers. The militia forces would have been no match, but as fate would have it, the Third Goblin Invasion began. George II came to terms with Margaret and enlisted the help of the Alurien Elves, the Duran Dwarves, and the Shire Hobbits.
     After two years of battle the Goblins were defeated. Margaret died later that year of a suspiciously fast disease. George II followed his mother the next winter after 28 years as ruler.
     He was followed by his grandson Oscar II, The Child. Oscar II died at the age of eight of smallpox. His mother was Regent and after her only child's death she claimed the throne. She ruled as Victoria I, The Lost (as she is known to those historians who do not know her as Victor I). To most historians she is known as Victor I, The Quiet. Following Victor I was "his" son Henry III, The Ugly. Henry III "The Ugly" ruled for an amazing 65 years!
     After his death at the age of 90, his grandson George III and son Victor II fought a bloody civil war. After three years Victor II died, his supporters worried about George III taking revenge had him assassinated. Oscar III then followed as King. It has been a decade since his coronation.


Elven; Human
10,283; -5      • Second Goblin Invasion begins.

10,288; 0       • Sitaurchus founded, Oscar I "The Trollbane" is crowned

10,302; 14     • The Castle of the Bull is started.

10,335; 33     • The Castle of the Bull is completed.

10,340; 38     • Oscar I dies. Henry I "The Architect" is crowned.

10,343; 41     • The Harbour is started, Henry I loses popularity with the
                         Nobility due to increased taxation of their lands.

10,347; 45     • Noble houses revolt, work on the Harbour is suspended.
                         Henry I uses serf dissatisfaction to weaken the Nobility
                         by granting land rights to those who join his forces.

10,348; 46     • Henry I wins a decisive battle against the Nobility. He
                         kills their leader, Francis Löwenherz and captures the
                         remaining Nobles days later. Their families pay hefty
                         ransoms and swear new oaths of fealty (magical in
                         nature). The Harbour work continues and Henry I uses
                         the extra funds from the Noble Insurrection to expand
                         the Castle of the Bull.

10,350; 48     • Work on the Harbour is completed.

10,352; 50     • Expansion of the Castle of the Bull is completed. Fifty
                         year celebration lasts for a month. Henry I starts paving
                         projects in Sitaurchus, Homenell and Luhté.

10,372; 70     • Henry I dies peacefully at 60. Henry II "The Fat" is
                         crowned. He orders construction of the Royal Naval

10,373; 71     • Henry II christens his first completed vessel, The
                         Trollbane, named after his grandfather.

10,374; 72     • Henry II christens the second vessel, The Architect,
                         named for his father.

10,375; 73     • Henry II christens the third and fourth vessels, The
                         Halberd and The Trebuchet. The Trollbane is holed
                         in a storm off of the coast of Wandol.

10,376; 74     • The repairs on the Trollbane are completed. Funds for
                         more vessels are unavailable due to a harsh winter that
                         lasts for six months.

10,379; 77     • After a short spring, a long summer and drought

10,386; 84     • The Great Drought is at its zenith. Lake Durimeran is at
                         its lowest point in the last thousand years. The Dwarves
                         of Duran build a dam that cuts off the majority of the
                         source of the Ilfaras. The significantly lowered river
                         causes the few productive farms to fail, leading to

10,390; 88     • After years of paying tribute to the Dwarves for water
                         Henry II pays a powerful sorcerer to destroy the dam.
                         Later the same autumn the rains finally come. Major
                         flooding occurs, followed by a devastating plague.

10,391; 89     • Henry II dies of plague aboard the Trollbane. George I
                         "The Vagrant" is crowned. The same day as Henry II
                         dies the Dwarf King Duran IIV drowns to death. Also,
                         the Elf Queen Nuatil'ar'wen succumbs to the plague.
                         Historians dub this the Day of Regalbane.

10,396; 94     • George I is poisoned by his wife Margaret for his
                         numerous infidelities. George II "The Wise" is
                         crowned at the age of 10. Margaret rules as

10,402; 100   • George II and Margaret have a month long holiday
                         festival thrown for the country's centennial.

10,407; 105   • George II reaches the age of majority. He makes
                         Margaret the chancellor and primary ambassador
                         of Sitaurchus. These titles and responsibilities help
                         keep her occupied while George II consolidates his
                         power quietly.

10,415; 113   • George II carefully uses his power and creates popular,
                         with the nobility, policies allowing him to banish his
                         mother from the kingdom while she is on a diplomatic
                         mission to Wandol. Feudalism is at its strongest point,
                         the Nobility is granted greater privileges.

10,421; 119   • Margaret returns from exile in Wandol, leading a
                         mercenary force of 10,000 soldiers from Salas.
                         George II leads a force of 2,000 militia to face
                         Margaret at the Elizare'e Hills. Before the battle begins
                         the armies are attacked by the Goblin Tribe Redeye.
                         After the battle of Elizare'e Redeye, terms are set to
                         combine forces against the Goblins.

10,422; 120   • George II hosts the leaders of the Duran Dwarves, the
                         Alurien Elves and the Shire Hobbits. After weeks of
                         debate and haggling, an accord is reached. With the
                         Ilfaras Accords ratified their combined forces begin
                         mounting a unified defence against the Goblin Hordes.

10,423; 121   • The High Commander Belosar'ie'n of the Ilfaran
                         Defence League decimates the Goblins and scatters
                         their remaining smaller bands. Margaret comes down
                         with a mysterious illness that takes her in late fall.

10,424; 122   • Grief stricken and overworked with keeping the Ilfaras
                         Accords intact, George II dies in winter. Oscar II "The
                         Child" is crowned at the age of two. Victoria, wife of the
                         late Prince Louis "The Tall", is Queen-Regent.

10,427; 125   • Queen-Regent Victoria holds a summit with the Ilfaras
                         Council to formalize a permanent council and accords.

10,430; 128   • Oscar II dies of smallpox, which has been decimating
                         the country. Victor(ia) I "The Quiet" is crowned. Most
                         of the history was rewritten by Henry III, from this
                         point on. Henry III is born of an unknown father.

10,432; 130   • Victor I completes the five year long negotiations of the
                         Second Ilfaras Accords. The Accords formalize trade,
                         standardize coinage values, establish permanent
                         borders, determine water rights and many other items.

10,437; 135   • After 13 years of peace and prosperity, the Nobility
                         clamours for Victor I to step down as King. Each house
                         supports a different claimant related to George II or
                         George I. Victor I refuses to abdicate the throne.

10,442; 140   • The Council of Ilfaras meets on Sielwode Island. Each
                         nation agrees to declare the island neutral ground.
                         Ceremonies to consecrate the Sielwode to all nation's
                         Gods are held. Sitaurchus has lost esteem in the
                         Council because of the raging civil war.

10,451; 149   • Henry III is appointed Commander of the Army. He uses
                         the Navy and Army together in novel ways. The Nobility
                         are slowly and meticulously defeated and annexed to
                         his forces.

10,452; 150   • Victor I names Henry III as heir-apparent bringing the
                         War of Broken Spears to an end. The sesquicentennial
                         celebrations last for a month and a half. The Third
                         Council meeting is held in Sielwode. Each nation brings
                         a tithing and a permanent monastery is established to
                         protect the site and all of the records.

10,455; 153   • Victor I dies, Henry III "The Ugly" is crowned. Henry III
                         has spent the last few years centralising the
                         government. The Nobility is completely within his thrall
                         and Henry III works on taking control of the Guilds and
                         the Churches.

10,462; 160   • The Fourth Council meeting is held. The Duran Dwarves
                         bring the most magnificent tithing, angering Henry III.
                         The Crystal Gavel of Rangar is the first relic to be held
                         by the Order of Ilfaras.

10,472; 170   • The Fifth Council meeting is held. The Alurien Elves
                         bring the Singing Tree of Elorah as a tithing, it is
                         considered the best of the tithings. Henry III is
                         recognized as the absolute monarch of Sitaurchus.
                         He vows to make the greatest tithing at the next
                         Council meeting.

10,482; 180   • The Sixth Council is held. Henry III tithes the Table of
                         Wonder, but is outshone by the Dwarves gift of four
                         crystal thrones dedicated to each race. Henry III vows
                         to best the others at any cost.

10,492; 190   • The Seventh Council is held. The ever resourceful
                         Dwarves tithe the Window of Ilfaras. A seeing stone of
                         great power.

10,502; 200   • The Eighth Council is held. The short-lived humans see
                         the Council as an established institution, while to the
                         Elves it has barely begun. The Dwarves tithe a giant
                         ruby of great beauty. Henry III throws a magnificent
                         bicentennial celebration lasting two months. With his
                         continued spending on a tithing for the Council, the
                         country is nearly bankrupt.

10,512; 210   • The Ninth Council is held. The Hobbits of the Eight
                         Counties begin to view the Council as the Humans do.
                         The Elves gift of the Cornicopia of Kelebar is the
                         greatest tithe.

10,522; 220   • The Tenth Council is held. Henry III tithes five rings.
                         Each one is made for the various nations, with a final
                         ring for the head of the Order of the Sielwode.

10,530; 228   • Henry III dies without naming his heir. A civil war
                         breaks out with Victor II, his son, and George III,
                         his grandson fighting for the crown.

10,532; 230   • The Eleventh Council is held. With the civil war raging
                         the chair for Sitarchus would have been empty, if not
                         for the intervention of Oscar III. After the Council
                         concludes he returns home to sue for peace.

10,533; 231   • Victor II "The Tiny" is killed in an ambush. The
                         supporters of Victor II have George III "The Stupid"
                         assassinated. Oscar III "The Brute" takes the crown.

10,542; 240   • The Twelfth Council is held. Dwarves begin to see the
                         Council as the Humans do. Oscar III tithes the Sword of
                         Trollbane and Shield of the Wise.

10,543; 241   • Current Year.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Arcane Spells: Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Level VII

Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Volume VII

     Greetings friends, This series of posts will contains several spells I have created for a personal character I have played for 28 years. The character, Rasa Mon Fry, is an generalist Elf Mage of high level. He has focused much of his magical studies on plant based magics. I have played this character in many different settings and with many different DMs, needless to say he is well traveled.
     All of these spells are available to use in your campaigns, I only ask that you keep the "Rasa Mon's <blank>" titles. The character is one who will freely teach these spells to any wizard who would like to learn them. He can be summoned by a special amulet.
     If, as a DM, you feel that these spells would be harmful to the balance of your campaign, feel free to ignore any or all of them!

Seventh Level Arcane Spells List

Animate Trees
Range: 60 yards
Components: V
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 2 trees per 5 levels
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     This spell gives the caster the ability to animate and control normal trees. The caster can animate up to two trees per 5 levels. It takes one round for a normal tree to uproot itself. Thereafter the animated tree can move at a rate of 3 and fight as a full-grown Treant (12 Hit Dice, 9 THAC0, 0 AC, 2 attacks per round, 4d6 damage per attack). The caster must be within 60 yards of the tree it is attempting to animate. Animated trees lose their ability to move if the caster who animated them is incapacitated or moves more than 60 yards away. Controlled trees can inflict structural damage when attacking a building or fortification. Any fire-based attack against a tree is at +4 to hit and +1 damage. In addition, trees save against all fire-based attacks at -4. At the end of the spell duration the trees will reroot themselves to the spot they are at, taking an additional round to do so.

Conjure Plant VI
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rounds, plus 1 round per level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the wizard magically conjures 2d4 plants of the type determined by the DM. The plant conjured can be magical or intelligent. Poisonous or otherwise dangerous plants can be conjured with this spell. If the plant is intelligent the caster has complete control of the actions of the plant. The plants will be conjured in an area no greater than 30 square feet per level. The caster's chance of getting the desired plant is 75% modified by nearby terrain up to +/- 15%. If they possess a sample of the desired plant that species can be conjured with 100% accuracy.

Mind Bomb
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Reversible: No

     Mind Bomb is a nasty little surprise for spell casters. The material component of this spell is a small item that is easily carried upon a person such as a ring or pendant. It must be made from special materials (costing at least 500 gp) by the wizard and enchanted with this spell. This process will take 1d3 weeks to complete. When the item is taken by the "bomb" the magic transfers to them. There is no saving throw allowed for the transference of magic. When a predetermined trigger happens the Mind Bomb goes off. Everyone within 1 foot per level of the caster is affected as if by a feeblemind spell at an additional -2 to their saving throw. The "Bomb" gets to save normally. The trigger can be one or any of the following: When the "Bomb" hears a particular phrase, when the "Bomb" meets a particular person, when the "Bomb" sees a particular rune, when the "Bomb" smells a particular scent, etc. The enchantment lasts until the bomb goes off or is discovered and disarmed. Dispel Magic, and Remove Curse have no affect on this Enchantment. To disarm the bomb the wizard must study it to determine how it was constructed. Then the wizard must make a special spell to disarm the bomb. Failing to disarm the bomb will set it off. Even the wizard who originally cast the spell must make a special spell to disarm the Mind Bomb.

Nature's Fury
Range: 30 yards
Components: V
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1r
Area of Effect: 30 square feet per level
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     With this dangerous and unpredictable spell the caster awakens the spirits of nature and releases them against all foes of the natural world. The DM is free to determine who is chosen as a foe as the caster has no control of the nature spirits and may even be attacked themselves! There are some guidelines to keep in mind when adjudicating this spell. Undead and Constructs are automatically considered enemies due to their highly unnatural state. Those that defile nature would follow next and druids or rangers would be last to be considered foes. If cast within a metropolitan area the spell will backfire and cause the caster to take 5d10 dmg. The spirits take the form of the local flora and fauna as well as the elements. The spirits inflict 5d10 points of damage per round to all foes within the area of effect. The forms that the spirits take cannot be harmed by magic or weapons. Dispel magic or similar spells cannot negate this spell once cast and the caster cannot end the spell prematurely.

Power Sink
Range: 5 yards per level
Components: V
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 30 foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     The Power Sink spell creates and area where magic is less potent by draining away spell levels. The spell drains an amount of spell levels equal to ½ of the casters level (Round fractions down). If a spell is reduced to 0 or less spell levels it will not function in the Power Sink. Thus a 16th level wizard's Power Sink drains 8 spell levels, so casters are at a -8 levels for spell casting. For example, a 5th level wizard casts a Lightning Bolt and it is drained away completely by the spell (5d damage -8d is less than 0), in the same round a Death Knight uses it's Fireball spell-like power and it is reduced to a 12d Fireball by the Power Sink (20d -8d is 12d).

Rasa Mon's Plant Warrior
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1d4, plus 1 round per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Touched plant
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

By means of this spell the caster is able to transform the plant touched into a warrior of ½ the wizard's level rounded down +1d4 levels. The plant warrior has a Str equal to the caster's Int and a Con equal to the caster's Wis and a Dex equal to the caster's Cha. Hp are determined as per level using a d10 with appropriate Con modifiers. Plant warriors are mindless, but can be ordered to guard a particular entrance or some other task of a similar nature. They are proficient in all weapons. The AC of the plant warrior is a base of 8 minus the caster's Wis bonus and the determined Dex of the created warrior. Charm and hold spells are only effective if they can affect plants, such as charm plant. The components of this spell are a gemstone worth at least 1000 gp and the plant to be transformed. At the end of the spell duration the warrior turns into a putrid liquid that will soak into the ground within 1r.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Arcane Spells: Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Level VI

Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Volume VI

     Greetings friends, This series of posts will contains several spells I have created for a personal character I have played for 28 years. The character, Rasa Mon Fry, is an generalist Elf Mage of high level. He has focused much of his magical studies on plant based magics. I have played this character in many different settings and with many different DMs, needless to say he is well traveled.
     All of these spells are available to use in your campaigns, I only ask that you keep the "Rasa Mon's <blank>" titles. The character is one who will freely teach these spells to any wizard who would like to learn them. He can be summoned by a special amulet.
     If, as a DM, you feel that these spells would be harmful to the balance of your campaign, feel free to ignore any or all of them!

Sixth Level Arcane Spells List

Conjure Plant V
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rounds, plus 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the wizard magically conjures 4d4 plants of the type determined by the DM. The plant conjured can be magical or intelligent. Poisonous or otherwise dangerous plants can be conjured with this spell. If the plant is intelligent in nature it can make a saving throw vs spell to try and break free of the conjurer and if successful can attack them. The plants will be summoned in an area no greater than 30 square feet per level. The caster's chance of getting the desired plant is 75% modified by nearby terrain up to +/- 15%. If they possess a sample of the desired plant that species can be conjured with 100% accuracy.

Conjure Quasi-Elemental
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Summons 1 elemental
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     This spell works exactly like the 5th level spell Conjure Elemental except that it summons one of the following types of elementals. Positive: Lightning, Steam, Mineral, & Radiance. Negative: Salt, Vacuum, Ash, & Dust. The necessary components for conjuring quasi-elementals can be more difficult to acquire than for normal elementals. Other than a portion of the elemental type to complete the conjuring, one will need a piece of the Positive/Negative Energy Plane to allow a conduit to be established. This material component is dangerous to the user if not properly protected by magical or other means.

Elemental Binding
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2 hours per HD of Elemental
Area of Effect: One Elemental
Saving Throw: Negates
Reversible: No

     This spell creates a magical field to bind an elemental into service of the wizard. The elemental gets a save vs. spells to resist. The save is modified by the difference between the HD of the elemental and the caster's Wis (+ if HD is higher, - if Wis is higher). The servitude lasts until the elemental is able to break the binding. The spell can be renewed every year if the caster wishes to cast the spell again. The elemental is allowed a normal save each year. If the binding is not renewed each year; the elemental gains a +1 to save for each year the spell is not renewed. The material component is the elemental in question and an item of at least 500 GP value that the elemental will be bound to.

Mana Burst
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 5 foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     This spell releases all of the mana within a 5 foot radius and channels it into the caster. This burst of mana gives the caster 2d6+1 per 2 levels of spell levels. These spell levels can be used to cast any of the wizard's known spells up to 6th level. When all of the mana is spent the caster loses 1 point of Constitution for 24 hrs, and must rest for 8 hrs or lose and additional 1d4 Con. The material component for this spell is a vial of holy water mixed with a drop of the caster's blood.

Rasa Mon's Magical Suffusion
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 day
Area of Effect: 1 plant or fungus
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the caster can add a spell-like power or ability into a plant or fungus. The power added must be from a spell known to the caster and a special potion must be brewed with which to use in the casting of this spell. The potion cannot cost less than 500 gp per level of the spell-like effect that the caster wishes to suffuse into the plant. For example, if the caster wishes to suffuse an Oak tree with invisibility they would need to prepare a potion that cost no less than 1000 gp (2nd level spell) and then they would need to spend the entire day preparing the Oak tree for the spell, purifying the tree and then pouring the potion onto the tree as they cast the spell. Once completed the Oak tree would then become invisible and any of its offspring would share the same trait. This spell can be used multiple times to add other traits but would require another casting and potion. For each additional trait added there is a 10% cumulative chance that the plant will not survive the suffusion. Failed suffusions will backfire and explode violently causing 2d6 damage per suffusions attempted or completed. Each potion needed to cast this spell must be researched as per the normal spell research methods before it can be used to cast this spell.

Substituary Locomotion
Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 3 items per level
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     Substituary Locomotion is the art of giving inanimate objects a life force of their own. Animated objects can be directed by the caster to perform any action. Swords fight, shoes dance, hats fly around, etc. Any object that enters combat fights at the level of the caster, hit points & Damage are determined by the DM. Saves are based on the objects materials and DM discretion.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Monsters: Rasa Mon's Ghastly Toxic Lancing Ivy

Rasa Mon's Ghastly Toxic Lancing Ivy


Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Colony, Patch
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore, Sun, Soil

Intelligence: Semi- (2-4)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 2-20 vines
Armor Class: 3 (or better)
Movement: 6
Hit Dice: 7 or 8
THAC0: 13
No. of Attacks: Special
Damage/Attack: 1d6, or 2d6 + special
Special Attacks: Entangle and blood drain
Special Defenses: Spell Immunities
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: G (4' per Hit Dice)
Morale: Steady (11)
XP Value: 7 HD: 2,000 / 8 HD: 3,000

     Rasa Mon's Ghastly Toxic Lancing Ivy is a semi-intelligent plant that was developed by using several different species of creeping vines and ivies, some of them categorized as monstrous. By hybridizing several species together he was able to create the plant he desired to protect fortifications, buildings, or just leave as an impediment to others. It is usually found on the walls of the protected buildings, encircling large trees or as ground cover. This many-branched vine moves to trap and feed upon those who stray too close to it. It can move to bring a victim within range, grasping with its rootlets and crawling along a wall or the ground.
     Looking much like normal ivy, crawling ivy is a dark, glossy green. The leaves are triangular and veined, with an exceptionally sharp-edged stem hidden under the lush foliage. The plant is capable of surviving almost any conditions, and flourishes in most environments; regardless of the quality of soil, atmosphere, rainfall, or light. It can grow a couple of feet in a single day, and can cover a small building or untended wall in a couple of weeks.
     In autumn, the ivy erupts with clumps of red flowers which produce bittersweet, black berries. The woody stem of the plant is supported in its climb by masses of small rootlets on its underside that cling to crevices and irregularities. The ivy can be distinguished from normal ivy by its veining, which is not green, but a pale red. Close examination of the leaves reveals tiny pores or openings throughout the surface and a sticky caustic substance just barely covering the surface. Merely touching the leaves will cause a burning rash to form on unprotected skin.

Combat: Anyone coming into contact with or standing within 3 feet of Rasa Mon's Ghastly Toxic Lancing Ivy may be attacked by it. The plant prefers to let its victims get as close as possible before striking. If someone is actually climbing the wall where crawling ivy has established itself (or walking through a bed of it, when it is used as ground cover), the ivy gains a +4 bonus on its attack rolls. Because it looks so ordinary, those who do not know of its properties are given a -3 penalty to their surprise rolls when the plant attacks.
     The ivy begins its attacks by trying to entangle a victim (as per the 1st level priest spell). Those subjected to this attack must save vs. spell or be caught. Once the victim is rendered immobile, the ivy makes two attacks per round with its leafy vines. The leaves fasten upon the captive while the vine itself moves to strangle the victim, doing 1d6 points of damage per successful hit and slicing into any unprotected flesh.
     Should the victim not be entangled, he may fight back or try to move out of range of the ivy. If caught, however, the captive is powerless to help himself. Those who are held fast must be rescued by a third party or must make a successful bend bars roll to get an arm free. When the victim has lost half his hit points, or at the end of the fourth round that he fails to break free from a strangling vine, the ivy has rendered him unconscious.
     At that point, the vines simply hold the captive, while the leaves take over. First the sticky caustic substance begins to break down the victim by dissolving it. Then the leaves open their pores and begin exerting a powerful suction on the resulting fluid. This inflicts 2d6 points of damage per round, and only ceases when there is nothing left to suction.
     Hacking through is almost as dangerous, because he tightly-twisted vines are under tension – when a vine’s cut, it recoils and might slash or entangle the person who just severed it. Each vine a character severs with a hand-held tool or weapon gets a single attack versus the character‘s normal AC. If it hits, they take 1d4 points of damage plus his base AC, with no saving throw allowed.
     The sharp-edged stem has barbed thorns that are slightly hollow and able to be propelled 10 to 20 feet with a long tendril attached to the thorn allowing it to retract into the vine. This attack allows it to draw closer prey that it wisely staying away from the stuff. This attack is difficult for the plant as it exerts more energy than just lying in wait. The barbs do 1d6 damage and those hit must save vs. poison or be paralyzed. There is an additional -1 to the save per barb beyond the first that strikes. The tendril is difficult to cut as it is made of very strong material (it has 5 hp and is AC 0).
     Each vine has 15 hp and is AC 3. Only Type S weapons damage it. Cutting half the plant’s vines can clear a path or free a comrade; cutting all the vines clears the plant from whatever it’s growing over. It’ll return in a few days unless the roots are pulled up and destroyed.
     Rasa Mon's Ghastly Toxic Lancing Ivy is unusually resistant to fire and burns very poorly. Most normal fires blacken and harden the stems while burning off the leaves, which doesn’t help to get rid of the stuff. Only magical fire can actually damage the stems. It is vulnerable to spells that affect plants. It is immune to mind affecting or illusion spells, and takes only half damage from magical fire or cold-based attacks. An electrical attack will cause it to grow by one Hit Die (increasing the HD adds 1,000 XP to the value for defeating it).

Habitat/Society: Rasa Mon's Ghastly Toxic Lancing Ivy feeds on the dissolved body fluids and it can also live on sunlight or water. Given enough time in a patch the leaves will also dissolve and digest any items left by dead victims. any metals digested are used to strengthen the plant and if enough metals are ingested the AC may eventually drop by a point or two. A very sophisticated valve and pump system within the veins of the leaves allows the suctioning of fluids and pumps them throughout the plant.
     Often used as a guardian, the ivy is intelligent enough to serve a master in return for food. Though several colonies may reside side-by-side, they do not compete for space or food.

Ecology: Cuttings can be dried and used as firewood (once the branches die, they become brittle and more inflammable) or, with a treatment of oil, be preserved as flexible, razor-sharp ropes, whips, or cords. Binding someone with such a cord inflicts 1d6 damage, but as long as the victim doesn’t struggle they take the damage just once. Trying to wiggle out of the bonds causes another damage check. A garrote is a particularly nasty device, which adds 1d6 damage to the normal damage inflicted by a garrote.
     The berries produced by Rasa Mon's Ghastly Toxic Lancing Ivy may be planted in blood-soaked earth to begin a new colony. They can also be dried and used to make a very potent drink to keep a person from falling asleep. The flowers can be used in making healing potions, and in an emergency may be pressed to a wound to stop bleeding and reduce pain.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Arcane Spells: Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Level V

Rasa Mon's Personal Spells, Volume V

     Greetings friends, This series of posts will contains several spells I have created for a personal character I have played for 28 years. The character, Rasa Mon Fry, is an generalist Elf Mage of high level. He has focused much of his magical studies on plant based magics. I have played this character in many different settings and with many different DMs, needless to say he is well traveled.
     All of these spells are available to use in your campaigns, I only ask that you keep the "Rasa Mon's <blank>" titles. The character is one who will freely teach these spells to any wizard who would like to learn them. He can be summoned by a special amulet.
     If, as a DM, you feel that these spells would be harmful to the balance of your campaign, feel free to ignore any or all of them!

Fifth Level Arcane Spells List

Conjure Para-Elemental
Range: 60 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn per level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Summons one elemental
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     This spell works exactly like the 5th level spell Conjure Elemental except that it summons one of the following types of elementals. Smoke, Ice, Ooze, & Magma.

Conjure Plant IV
Range: 30 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 4 rounds, plus 2 rounds per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the wizard magically conjures 4d6 plants of the type determined by the DM. The plant conjured can be magical in nature but it cannot be an intelligent plant. The plant can be any size up to that of a large tree. Poisonous or otherwise dangerous plants can be conjured with this spell. The plants will be conjured in an area no greater than 30 square feet per level. The caster's chance of getting the desired plant is 75% modified by nearby terrain up to +/- 15%. If they possess a sample of the desired plant that species can be conjured with 100% accuracy.

Drain Power
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Reversible: Yes

     This spell drains 1d4 spells from the touched spell caster and converts them into spell energy that can be used by the caster. The caster is then able to cast any spell that he knows of 1st to 4th level as long as he drains that number of spells from the victim. For example, if the die roll is a 3, then the caster can cast any 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell that he knows. If he chooses to cast a 1st level spell, then the other 2 levels are gone. The victim can choose to fail their saving throw, or if they are unconscious they will automatically fail. The reverse of the spell causes the caster to lose 1d4 spells from memory and transfer the energy to the person touched. The material component of this spell is a blank vellum scroll.

Enhance Plant
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: Special
Casting Time:1d6+1 days
Area of Effect: A single plant
Saving Throw: Negates
Reversible: No

     This spell enhances a living plant. Any natural plant (excluding molds, shambling mounds, hangman's trees, and the like) can be enhanced in one respect. A grapevine could be made to grow faster, have broader leaves, bear sweeter fruit, and so on. Only a single quality is enhanced, and only if the plant normally has that quality. The plant must be normal and non-motile (incapable of independent movement). Once cast, the enhancement lasts as long as the plant lives; it cannot be reversed by a dispel magic spell, for example. Enhancements by means of this spell alone are not passed on to the plant's offspring.

Rasa Mon's Deadly Kudzu
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 30 square feet per level
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the caster perverts the vegetation in the area so that it drains the life force of the fauna and creatures caught in the area. For every round that the creatures stay within the confines of this spell they take 1d6 points of damage per 2 levels (6d6 max) of the caster. Any damage done to the plants in the area of effect (Trees cut down, forest burned, etc) is healed. This spell will leave a faint aura of evil over the affected area for a number of months equal to the amount of hit points drained.

Rasa Mon's Improved Floral Servant
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: One week, plus one day per level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Plant touched
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     This spell functions similarly to the 3rd level spell. The created servant is semi-intelligent (3 Int) and can follow commands of at least a few sentences long. It is also has a 15 Str when carrying objects. The servant has no combat abilities but can defend itself if necessary. It has a total of 12 hit points. The material components of this spell are a gemstone worth at least 100 gp and the plant to be transformed.

Rasa Mon's Improved Hybridization
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10 square yards
Saving Throw: Negates
Reversible: No

     This spell functions as the 2nd Level spell Rasa Mon's Hybridization except that it can affect intelligent or magical plants or fungi. Intelligent plants get a save vs Polymorph to negate the effects of this spell. The added material component of this spell is a gem of at least 500 gp value.

Rasa Mon's Leafblade
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: A single leaf
Saving Throw: None
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the wizard transforms a leaf into a long thin sword-like blade. The blade has a +1 per 5 levels of the caster enchantment to hit & damage (max of +4), when used against undead it will gain an additional +1 to hit and damage. In all other respects it acts as if it were a long sword of the appropriate enchantment level. Elves do gain their racial bonus when using this spell. The material components of this spell are a leaf and bit of iron or steel.

Spell Blast
Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 30 foot cube
Saving Throw: ½
Reversible: No

     By means of this spell the wizard is able to destroy the weave of another spell, turning it into pure magical energy. This magical energy can then be rewoven into another spell of 1st through 3rd level (at DM Discretion) or it can be allowed to dissipate. If the save is made then the spell works at ½ effectiveness and the lost spell energy dissipates.

Range: 10 yards per level
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10 square feet per level
Saving Throw: Special
Reversible: No

     Casting this spell causes all of the plants within the area of effect to revert to a younger state. This transformation is immediate. All annuals are reverted to seeds. Plants that take years to grow to adult state are turned into seedlings or saplings. For example, a field of wheat would turn into seed, a patch of blackberries into seedlings & forest into saplings. Intelligent plants are allowed a save vs spell to avoid the effects.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Races: Phytokinoesians, Part II Religion


     The faith and mythology of the Phytokinoesians has only a few important personages. The four major gods of their pantheon are Ajyaxway the Green Spirit, Kerha the Smiling Mother, Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper, and Sito the Crone. Each of these gods are associated with a different season and their holiest days coincides with the equinoxes and solstices.
      The other major god of their pantheon is the evil trickster god who had put them into slavery and servitude to the humans and elves. He is so feared that they do not name him in order to prevent his returning and to keep hidden from him.

Ajyaxway the Green Spirit

Ajyaxway the Green Spirit

     Ajyaxway is the God of Spring. His portfolio is slightly odd for a God that is usually portrayed as male. It covers birth, love and rejuvenation. He is also the God most associated with the element of water.
     The spring equinox is the holiest day for Ajyaxway, as it marks the beginning of Spring. On the equinox the Phytokinoesians hold prayers for continued health and bounty. This celebration is also know as the Dance of the Birds and Bees. When the sun rises the bees, and other pollinators, are let loose. The Sylvane will do pleasing dances to attract them. This is also a time when the Phytokinoesians are at their most vulnerable. When their flowers open they become quite easy to find, due to the wondrous scent released. This is also when the Sylvani will be at their most aggressive to protect the others from predators or slavers.
     The Green Spirit's priests are expert apiculturists and aviculturists. The villages and spelljamming vessels of the Phytokinoesians are replete with bees and birds, as well as a type of beetle that makes a pleasant humming sound. Without these pollinators they cannot easily reproduce. These pollinators are seen as a part of the Green Spirit's being and will. Specialty priests of Ajyaxway are always expected to be skilled in bee or bird keeping (bonus proficiency of Animal Handling, Birds or Bees) as well as their other duties as members of the clergy (required proficiency of Religion).
     To become a Specialty Priest of Ajyaxway requires wisdom and hardiness (Wisdom score of 14 and Constitution score of 13). All priests can lay on hands three times a day (as per Paladin of same level, priest loses the same number of hit points). At third level Ajyaxway's priests gain the ability to summon water and soil, once a day (as per Create Water spell, same volume of soil is also created. No vocal, somatic or material components required). At fifth level they can summon a swarm of bees or birds twice a day (as per Summon Swarm spell. No vocal, somatic or material components required). Priests of the Green Spirit cannot turn undead.
     They can use any weapon they choose but cannot wear any armor. Priests are granted major access to the spheres of All, Animal, Charm, Creation, Elemental (Water and Earth), Healing, Plant, Summoning, and Weather. They get minor access to Divination, Necromantic, Protection, and Sun.
     The hierarchy of the church of Ajyaxway is very loose and there are no titles greater than Brother or Sister.

Kerha the Smiling Mother

Kerha the Smiling Mother
     Kerha is the Goddess of Summer. She is also the Goddess of laborers and growth. She is the God most associated with the element of fire.
     The summer solstice is the holiest day for Kerha, as it marks the beginning of summer. This holy day is usually spent with the Sylvane rooting in a single sunny spot for the entire day. During this time they will open their arms and spread out their leaves. To most observers this will resemble an evenly spread out copse of small trees. During this time the fruit of the Sylvane is visible and the Lesser Pythokinoesians will harvest the fruits and plant them under the supervision of the Sylvani.
     These fruits will sprout into the next generation of Sylvane. As such, they will be closely guarded and protected by the village. The plantings will always be in places with sufficient sunlight. The taproot of the plant will dig deep into the soil until it finds sufficient water. Kerha is known as the Smiling Mother because her fire is what nourishes the Phytokinoesians to give them life.
     The priests of Kerha are always skilled in agriculture (bonus proficiency of Agriculture). Many are also skilled in the arts of smithing, architecture, and animal husbandry (Required to choose one; Animal Handling, Engineering, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Leatherworking, Pottery, or Stonemasonry).
     To become a Specialty Priest of Kerha the Smiling Mother requires wisdom, strength, and intellect (Wisdom 13, Strength 12, Intelligence 12). All priests can create an arc of flames three times per day at first level (as per the Burning Hands spell. No vocal, somatic, or material components required). At third level they can Control Plants once a day per level (As per Potion of Plant Control). Priests of the Smiling Mother are able to turn undead as a cleric of the same level.
     Specialty Priests of Kerha can use any bladed weapon, as well as a flail, rake, or trident. They cannot wear armor greater than studded leather. Priests are granted major access to the spheres of All, Animal, Combat, Elemental (Fire and Water), Plant, Sun, and Weather. They get minor access to Divination, Charm, Guardian, and Protection.
     The hierarchy of the Church of Kerha is not as loose as Ajyaxway, but not as strict as Jē a yōd'dhā's military structure. It is more akin to the hierarchy of an artisan or stonemason guild, with the same titles.

Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper

Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper

     Jē a yōd'dhā is the God of Autumn. His portfolio covers death, passion, war and warriors. He is the God most associated with the element of air.
     The autumnal equinox is the holiest day for Jē a yōd'dhā, as it marks the beginning of autumn. At sunset the festivities begin with a large ceremonial march of forces around the fields and the priest of Kerha handing over the first harvest to the priest of Jē a yōd'dhā. He will then march back to the village center and throw it into a ceremonial bonfire. Then the Phytokinoesians will have a party to celebrate the harvest and the beginning of fall that will go until sunrise.
     For the first few weeks after the festival all able bodied Sylvane will drill with the Sylvani and the Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā on tactics, weapons, and war games. This helps to prepare them for when or if they are attacked. During this time any Sylvane that have potential or are skilled in the arts of arcane magics are taken under the tutelage of a master. After the drills and war games are completed the Sylvane will secure their village and fields for the upcoming winter.
     The priests of Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper are all skilled tacticians (bonus proficiency of Strategy one slot Intelligence -2) and leaders (bonus proficiency of Leadership one slot Charisma -1).
     To become a Specialty Priest of Jē a yōd'dhā requires wisdom, intellect and charisma (Wisdom 13, Intelligence 13, Charisma 13). All priests of the Reaper are granted a bonus to their THAC0 (same chart as a Fighter of the same level). At third level they can cause their comrades, followers, and troops to fight with better coordination and strength twice a day (+3 bonus to attacks, saving throws and armor class for one round per level). Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā cannot turn undead.
     Specialty Priests of Jē a yōd'dhā the Reaper are able to use any weapon or armor they choose. They are also granted Major access to the spheres of All, Charm, Combat, Elemental (Air and Fire), Plant, and Protection. They get minor access to Divination and Healing.
     The hierarchy of the Church of Jē a yōd'dhā is very strict and militaristic with many military titles and functions.

Sito the Crone

Sito the Crone
Sito is the Goddess of Winter, Magic, and the Afterlife. She is the God most associated with the element of earth.
     The winter solstice is the holiest day for Sito the Crone. For a week before the solstice there are competitions held in differing events. Such as wrestling, archery, illusion crafting, pottery, and so on. When the sun sets on the winter solstice a series of campfires is lit by the village crone in a specific pattern. Then all of the members of the village take their appointed spots and chant. The chant is a haunting bass that fills the air with a spooky atmosphere. While the chant is going on the crone passes by each individual and anoints them with a special oil. As each is anointed they stop their chant. When the final individual is anointed and the chanting has ceased the crone moves to the center of the fires and they all go out at once.
     This ceremony puts the village into a resting state and allows them to pass the cold winter in comfort and relative safety. The crone as well as the winners of certain contests are left awake to protect the land from their enemies.
     The priests of Sito are skilled herbalists (bonus proficiency Herbalism) and storytellers (bonus proficiency in either Ancient History or Local History. The other is then required to be purchased).
     To become a Specialty Priest of the Crone requires great wisdom and intellect (Wisdom 15 and Intelligence 13). All priests of Sito are granted a familiar to serve them (just as it would a wizard using the Find Familiar spell). At third level they can brew potions (same rules apply to them as do wizards brewing potions, they are granted knowledge of one formula per level at and beyond third level). At fifth level they are able to scry using a basin of water or a polished black stone (this works as per a Crystal Ball). At seventh level they are granted the ability to curse, or bless, individuals (as per the Witch kit from the Wizard's Handbook. Blessings are either the reverse or up to DM discretion). Priests of Sito are able to turn undead.
     Priests are granted major access to all spheres of magic. They are restricted to the following weapons: dagger, dart, knife, club and staff. They cannot wear any armor.
     There is no real hierarchy to the church of Sito the Crone. Generally there is a single crone in a village with up to three assistant crones. When the assistant(s) learn all they can they will either take the place of the current crone, move out to another village who needs one, or move out into the wilderness until called on by needy supplicants.

The Unnamed One

Sigil of the Unnamed
The Unnamed one is the God of deceit, lies, and evil. He is the God most associated with the element of decay.
     Since the Unnamed is not worshiped by the Phytokinoesians there is little information on the rites rituals or holy days of this deity. It is said that undead are a form of his power and that he controls them as well as the other forces of decay and destruction.