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Sketch by +Sarah Frary |
The Truth Seer's Tale
The white robed, masked figure sat near the fire. The convened children gazed intently, waiting for the Truth Seer to gather his thoughts. He started whispering, "Long before any of us were birthed, there was emptiness." After a short pause he commenced further, "With a thought Xaqi was! Ur and Thumm began their daily chase across the sky!" He stood slightly hovering over the assembled children.
"When the First were but babes, the world was pure. They grew and learnt to become who and what they were meant to be." The Truth Seer slowly sat again continuing his tale, "The First had agreed among themselves to each take dominion in differing parts of Xaqi. They secluded themselves and began the long process of becoming gods."
The Truth Seer paused to sip at his drink. The children listened attentively as he picked up his tale again, "Now the First had spent an Age learning how to become gods. After they became gods they used their powers to create! They created all of the things you see around you now, and the things you do not see as well." he said gently. "Some of the First wanted to test their powers against their brethren and to do so they created creatures to make war on the creations of the other First. That is when the Second were born." The Truth Seer took another sip of his drink.
He stretched his back and said, "The first of the Second was the Ent Lord, Mellaart. He, along with his siblings Hypnos the Lord of Dreams and Beowa the Resurrected worked together against the forces of
Jorōgumo the Lie Weaver, Shezzak'l'zz the Tyrant of the Demon Eyes, Yog-Sothoth Opener of the Way, Riqqa King of Kings, and Yaldabaoth Son of Chaos. They and their children fought many great and destructive wars across the face of Xaqi." The Truth Seer paused again and took a large draught of his beverage, finishing it.
He waved to the bar maid for another and continued the story, "The Wars of the Second, as they later became known, had their share of casualties. Hypnos killed Shezzak'l'zz at the Battle of Oculi Multarum and decimated his forces by turning them against each other. Shortly thereafter Jorōgumo was defeated by Beowa in the Battle of Aranea Ignis and banished to the underworld. Yog-Sothoth retaliated against Hypnos by turning Hypnos' power over dreams against himself, trapping him forever in the Dreamlands. The Opener of the Way then murdered Beowa on the Day Without Ur and spread his body across the Poaceae Regions to prevent him from resurrecting. Mellaart at this point was outnumbered and his children, though powerful in their own right, were becoming too few to resist the forces of Yog-Sothoth, Riqqa and Yaldabaoth."
The bar maid came over with a new drink for the Truth Seer. He took a swig, thanked her and recommenced his tale, "In his search for allies, Mellaart was able to convince one of Riqqa's generals to switch sides. Mellaart gave to this general the Tree of Life, thus granting him immortality. Chi'in, as he is known, being a master strategist helped to turn the tide. In his first campaign against his former master he personally decimated the army sent to kill him in the Slaughter of Unum Pro Mille. Chi'in then fought with Riqqa in the glorious Duel of Nine Thousand Hours that lasted for more than a year! It ended when Chi'in sliced off Riqqa's head." The Truth Seer paused to take a large gulp of his drink.
Once he slaked his thirst he looked over the wide eyes of the children and spoke again, "Putting Riqqa's head on the end of his banner, Chi'in took control over Riqqa's forces using them in strategic raids against Yog-Sothoth's followers. These raids served to anger Yog-Sothoth and when Yaldabaoth laughed at the Opener of the Way he struck out at the Son of Chaos and split him into two pieces in a fit of rage!" He jumped out of his chair at the children at this part. They started at this and he expounded further, "From the two pieces of Yaldabaoth, Bafometz the Lord of Beasts and Barbēlō the One who is Three were formed. Yog-Sothoth, amused that he could rend a Second and create the Third decided to use his newly found power on one of the First."
He paused momentarily in his tale to the children, "Now young ones, when he was looking for one of the First, Yog-Sothoth did not know he would find his own downfall. Because you see, he did not find any of the First. Instead he found the source of all creation, hidden away in a lonely cave. There in this cave was a truly magnificent throne made of bone. Immediately the Opener of the Way desired to possess this obviously powerful relic for himself. He approached to sit upon the throne when his body was suddenly paralyzed. Unable to move he tried to use his powers of instantaneous travel to escape, only to find that he was still paralyzed in the same place! For the first time ever Yog-Sothoth felt panic and fear!" He suspended his litany once more to finish his second drink.
"Thoughts that were not his own began to creep slowly into his formidable mind. Yog-Sothoth realized that the throne was not empty! Sitting there was a being and that being was the one in his mind!
"I Amn, You Amn, All Amn." Thought the voice in his mind. Yog-Sothoth fought furiously to be free of this being. Unable to do so a strange calm came over him, emanating from the being. He fought no more, he was able to move, he could strike the strange being, he could take this throne! There was a flash of piercing light that passed through, over and around the Opener of the Way! The being never moved, the being never blinked, the being did nothing." The Truth Seer stopped talking, scrutinized the children and whispered, "That being, Amn, he is the world. But not of the world. Yog-Sothoth is now also not of the world, he is locked away until Amn decides his punishment is over. Now children remember, to always be faithful to the gods or you may face the same terrible fate as Yog-Sothoth." With his story complete the Truth Seer disappeared from his chair leaving only an empty miniature bone throne in the seat.
The Doublespeaker, The Guardian Protector,
The Pale Keeper
Greater God of Xaqi (Prime Material, True Neutral)
Portfolio: Knowledge, Secrets, Truth & Lies, Thieves & Magistrates.
Allies: Mellaart, Chi'in, Wazirëkyn.
Foes: Erron of Solitude, Pharaoh Inmhotep, Yog-Sothoth.
Symbol: An empty white bone throne on a disk of black.
Worshiper Alignment: Any.
Allies: Mellaart, Chi'in, Wazirëkyn.
Foes: Erron of Solitude, Pharaoh Inmhotep, Yog-Sothoth.
Symbol: An empty white bone throne on a disk of black.
Worshiper Alignment: Any.
Amn the creator god is rarely depicted in art or song. Amn is the only truly omniscient being on Xaqi. That being said Amn speaks only in riddles and vague notions or ideas, when he chooses to communicate at all, but also has no free will. Amn cannot change what has, is or will happen, because to him all time/space is immutable.
Amn's Avatar
AC -12 | HD 50 | HP 950 | THAC0 -12 | #Att 5 & 2 Spells | Dmg 6d6+30 | MR 100% | Size G | Move 120 |
Str 25 | Dex 25 | Con 25 | Int 25 | Wis 25 | Cha 25 | Com Special |
1st 10 | 2nd 10 | 3rd 10 | 4th 10 | 5th 10 | 6th 10 | 7th 10 | 8th 10 | 9th 9 | 10th 9 |
1st 10 | 2nd 10 | 3rd 10 | 4th 10 | 5th 10 | 6th 10 | 7th 10 | 8th 10 | 9th 9 | 10th 9 |
PPDM 1 | RSW 1 | PP 1 | BW 1 | OS 1 | Fear 1 | Horror 1 | Madness 1 |
Amn can create Illusions/Phantasms, that can do damage if he wishes, at will. Amn can communicate with any living or non-living creature, being or thing at will. When casting spells Amn acts as a wizard or priest of 50th level, requires no Verbal, Somatic or Material components and always has a casting time of 0. He also regenerates to full hit points at the end of every combat round, regardless of damage inflicted.
Amn usually communicates with creatures through contact to their subconscious minds and plants ideas, urges, desires and such to get them to do what is needed. Many times the inspired person does not know whence the idea came but will attribute it to Amn if it is something they believe they would not have thought of otherwise.
Amn has the torso of a 6' human that is genderless with bone white skin, a mane of bone white hair, no mouth & oversize black pupilless eyes that never blink. His limbs are extremely overlong, such that, when he stands he is fully 50' tall, the fingers and toes are also overlong with only 4 (instead of 5) fingers with an extra joint.
Due to his unusual appearance, those who view Amn must save vs PPDM (or Madness) or go insane for 3d4 Weeks. Those that save gain a minor personality quirk for 3d4 Weeks. Should Amn communicate with those that view him they are instantly cured of this malady, and any other mind affecting magics or damage, until contact with them is broken and they revert to their previous state.
There is a legend that somewhere on Xaqi is a weapon that will forever destroy Amn with a single blow. Where that weapon is and what other powers it has is unknown.
Members of the clergy vary in class from Thief, Wizard, Priest and Fighter. There are also Bards within the clergy who travel from one town to another gathering rumours, tales and information. There is also a sub-sect of Gnomish Illusionists who serve Amn as well as a sect of Goblins who also serve Amn.
Clergy Alignment: N, NG, NE, CN, or LN
Turn/Control Undead: Turn if of good alignment, control if of evil alignment, choose one if of neutral alignment.
Bonus Proficiencies: Ancient History
Required Proficiencies: R/W Native Tongue
“I Amn, You Amn, All Amn,” is a common phrase within the church. Amn is venerated as the creator god. Amn is also feared as the god of ultimate destruction. Contained within Amn is all that is, was and will be. The truly faithful expound that all creation is but a thought or dream of Amn and should he awaken from the dream all of Xaqi would cease to be.
Day-to-Day Activities: Depending on the order, they can range from spying on kings to delivering judgments on criminals.
Major Centers of Worship: The Cathedral of the Unknowable in the Dragonwaste is the largest temple complex to Amn. It is a library of massive stone tablets in an unknown language that defies all magical and non-magical attempts to decipher them.
Priestly Vestments: Bone white robes with the symbol of Amn and a mask covering the face.
Adventuring Garb: Whatever suits the adventure or season.
Requirements: 12 Wis, 15 Cha
Prime Requisite: Wis
Alignment: N, NG, NE, CN, or LN
Weapons: Any Small to Medium
Armour: Any up to Studded Leather
Major Spheres: All, Time, Elemental, Protection, Divination, Astral, Thought.
Minor Spheres: Plant, Animal, Charm, Necromantic
Magical Items: Any General and those allowed to Priest Classes.
Required Proficiencies: R/W Native Tongue, Religion
Bonus Proficiencies: Fast-Talking, Persuasion, Ancient History
Races allowed: Any
There is a legend that somewhere on Xaqi is a weapon that will forever destroy Amn with a single blow. Where that weapon is and what other powers it has is unknown.
The Clergy
The Clergy of Amn vary based on the Order. Since Amn is a god of duality there are 2 major Orders. Those of Good or Lawful Alignment are generally Judges, Scribes and Magistrates. They are the interpreters of law and keepers of records. Those of Evil or Chaotic Alignment are generally Thieves, Extortionists and Spies. The Orders are known as the Arbiters & the Cryptics. Relations between the two factions are surprisingly affable and a member of one sect can move to the other sect with little to no suspicion or problems. Members of the clergy vary in class from Thief, Wizard, Priest and Fighter. There are also Bards within the clergy who travel from one town to another gathering rumours, tales and information. There is also a sub-sect of Gnomish Illusionists who serve Amn as well as a sect of Goblins who also serve Amn.
Clergy Alignment: N, NG, NE, CN, or LN
Turn/Control Undead: Turn if of good alignment, control if of evil alignment, choose one if of neutral alignment.
Bonus Proficiencies: Ancient History
Required Proficiencies: R/W Native Tongue
“I Amn, You Amn, All Amn,” is a common phrase within the church. Amn is venerated as the creator god. Amn is also feared as the god of ultimate destruction. Contained within Amn is all that is, was and will be. The truly faithful expound that all creation is but a thought or dream of Amn and should he awaken from the dream all of Xaqi would cease to be.
Day-to-Day Activities: Depending on the order, they can range from spying on kings to delivering judgments on criminals.
Major Centers of Worship: The Cathedral of the Unknowable in the Dragonwaste is the largest temple complex to Amn. It is a library of massive stone tablets in an unknown language that defies all magical and non-magical attempts to decipher them.
Priestly Vestments: Bone white robes with the symbol of Amn and a mask covering the face.
Adventuring Garb: Whatever suits the adventure or season.
Priest of Amn (Truth Seer or Secret Keeper)
Requirements: 12 Wis, 15 Cha
Prime Requisite: Wis
Alignment: N, NG, NE, CN, or LN
Weapons: Any Small to Medium
Armour: Any up to Studded Leather
Major Spheres: All, Time, Elemental, Protection, Divination, Astral, Thought.
Minor Spheres: Plant, Animal, Charm, Necromantic
Magical Items: Any General and those allowed to Priest Classes.
Required Proficiencies: R/W Native Tongue, Religion
Bonus Proficiencies: Fast-Talking, Persuasion, Ancient History
Races allowed: Any
Special Granted Powers
5th Level: Immune to 1st level Illusions (+1 per level to 10th).
10th Level: Truthsaying (As per Ring of Truth, always active).