This module is designed for use with the 2nd Edition AD&D™ game from TSR/WotC and contains references to trademarks and/or copyrighted material owned by that company. The original portions of this works are copyright © 2013 & 2017 by Satendra Marquis of BuzzkillMarquis Productions and is being offered free of charge under the following conditions:
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Note: This module was first posted to the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition Google+ community for the June 2013 Adventures competition. The community can be found at this link:
This adventure is designed for 3 to 5 players with characters ranging from 1st to 3rd level, for a total of 3 to 15 levels. It is set in the world of Xaqi (cha-shí), on the Aegean Continent in the Republic of Ralifon. The city of Qidron (shi-drón), is composed of several walled cities connected by dimensional gates. These gates allow near instantaneous travel from one side of the Republic to the other. Each Province (as the walled cities and surrounding areas are known) have roads leading from them to other important religious, military or trade locations. In the Province of Danue (dan-wee), 6 days travel north of Qidron, lies the hamlet of Xardon (chardón). It is bordered on the North and West by the River Halqen (hal-shén). To the north and east lie the Mountains of Weydaan. The southern areas of the hamlet contain many family farms. The far side of the river is the Schwarzwald, a dense forest of hardwood trees. A stonework bridge crosses the river allowing access to the forest. There is a stonework road going through the hamlet from the south into the forest, it ends in the Mountains of Weydaan at the Abbey of Erron's Tears.
Very few people go into the Schwarzwald, as it is a dangerous place. The hunters, as well as lumbermen who fell trees, take care not to be caught there after sunset. Pilgrims on their way to the Abbey take care to leave Xardon at sunrise and move swiftly to the Abbey on horseback so as to reach the Abbey by sunset at full Canter, 27 movement rate, during late Spring or early Autumn. The forest is known to be home to dire wolves and orcs. It is also said that the spirits of lost travelers will haunt those that stay after sunset. Wild goblins will occasionally trade cheeses (goblins are the only race who know how to make cheeses. They can make cheese that has magical properties, effects as per potion of the same type) to the hamlet in exchange for needed goods (rope, finished lumber, textiles, flour, mining tools, etc).
The Abbey has sent out a call for adventurers to assist them with wild goblins who have been raiding their livestock. Normally, Erronites would not need adventurers to assist them (Erron of Solitude is the goddess of vengeance), except this sect is a non-violent group of cartographers bound by oath to harm no living creature.
Recently the local wild goblin tribe, Bloodhand Schwarzwald, have had their warrens overtaken by undead. Their remaining goblin warriors are escorting a group of 100 goblin women and children away from the recently abandoned warren. If the PCs attack and kill the goblins they do NOT get the Adventure XP for this planned encounter nor do they receive any XP for the goblin warriors. They can still get the XP for the undead should they clear out the lair. Also, goblin survivors will raise an attack group of 3d10x10 goblin warriors to find them in 1d4 months. Players of Good alignment should be awarded bonus XP for not taking any of the treasure in the goblin warren. DM adjudication is advised as to how large a reward the goblins will give the PCs for clearing out the undead. A good guideline would be a Cheese Wheel Potion for each PC and 3d6 bronze pieces. The Abbey will also give the PCs a reward of one Map of the Danue Province (worth 25 electrum pieces) in a bone map case (worth 125 silver pieces). The bones of the giant skeleton are worth 25 gold pieces to the right alchemist.
Planned NPC Encounters
12 Wild Goblin Warriors
XP Value: 15 Align: LE
HD: 1-1 HP: 5
Att: 1r Morale: Average (10) or Fearless (20)
BP: 13 2 Cheese Wheel of Healing
A/C: Arm THAC0: 20 Armour Wgt AC- Dex
10 6 Hide 30 -4 0
Weapons Wgt Size Type Speed Dmg S-M/L
Short Sword 3 S P 3 1d6/1d8
30 Skeletons
XP Value: 65 Align: N
HD: 1 HP: 8
Att: 1r Morale: Special
A/C: 7 THAC0: 19
Weapons Wgt Size Type Speed Dmg S-M/L
Rusty Longsword 4 M S 5 1d8/1d12
15 Zombies
XP Value: 65 Align: N
HD: 2 HP: 16
Att: 1r Morale: Special
A/C: 8 THAC0: 19
Weapons Wgt Size Type Speed Dmg S-M/L
Claw - - - 0 1d8/1d8
4 Bugbear Skeletons
XP Value: 650 Align: N
HD: 6 HP: 24
Att: 1r Morale: Special
A/C: 6 THAC0: 15
Weapons Wgt Size Type Speed Dmg S-M/L
Morning Star 12 M B 7 2d4/1d6+1
Giant Skeleton
XP Value: 975 Align: N
HD: 4+4 HP: 25
Att: 1r Morale: Fearless (20)
A/C: 4 THAC0: 15
Weapons Wgt Size Type Speed Dmg S-M/L
Fireball (1/6T) - - - 3 8d6
Great Club +1, 12 M B 7 2d4/1d6+1 (+3)
Random Forest Encounters
4 Dire Wolves
XP Value: 17 Align: N
HD: 4+4 HP: 20
Att: 1r Morale: Average (10)
A/C: 6 THAC0: 15
Move: 18 Dmg: 2d4
Old Man Zachary
XP Value: 0 Align: NG
HD: 0 HP: 0
Att: 1r Morale: Fearless (20)
A/C: -10 THAC0: 0
Move: 36 Special Attack: Sonic Attack
6 Orc Hunters
XP Value: 15 Align: LE
HD: 1 HP: 8
Att: 1 Morale: Steady (12)
A/C: 8 THAC0: 19
Weapons Wgt Size Type Speed Dmg S-M/L
3 Spear 5 M P 6 1d6/1d8
2-Handed - - - - 1d8+1/2d6 (2x Charged)
Knife ½ S P/S 2 1d3/1d2
Weapon Ranges ROF S M (-2) L (-5)
Spear 1r 1 2 3
Knife 2r 1 2 3
CP: 5 Leather Armour Waterskin Tooth & Bone Necklace (5 cp)
BP: 6 Knife Scabbard Spirit Pouch Fetish Trinket (1 cp)
SP: 2 Leather Belt 1 Wolf Pelt (5 bp)
The Hamlet of Xardon
When the party arrives at Xardon on the road from the south they will pass by large vineyards of white grapes. Xardon is known in the Republic as an excellent area for white wines. Once past the vineyards they will pass the smaller family farms of the hamlet proper and finally the town center. The mill, two wineries and the blacksmith's forge are the only buildings in the hamlet not made entirely of the sturdy wood from the Schwarzwald.
From the vantage point of the stone bridge that crosses the river Halqen the forest looks dark and ominous. From the river bank out about 100 yards from the bridge has obviously been cleared of trees in a semi-circle. To the east of the bridge is a large corral and stable of fine looking steeds. A mount can be rented from the stable for 2 days at a cost of 1electrum piece with a required deposit of 1 gold piece that will be refunded after the steed is returned in good health. Adventuring tools can be purchased at the smithy, excluding weapons. Provisions can be purchased from the miller and wines from wineries (25 silver pieces per bottle).
Should they start the trip to the Abbey any time from one hour after sunrise, they will encounter a group of lumbermen at the forest edge. The foreman will advise them not to go this late in the day, then tell them the tale of old man Zachary. He was lost in the forest at night and was attacked by angry spirits of the dead. When found the next day his dessicated corpse made everyone frightened of being caught in the forest after sunset.
Should the party continue they will encounter the spirit of old man Zachary, once the sun has set. He will beseech them to help him find his way home. If they agree to escort him back to the hamlet he will follow and not attack them. If they go and visit his grave after escorting his spirit home there will be a ring on the grave. It is made of gold and has a single small sapphire in it (100 gold piece value & up to the DM whether it is magical or not).
Should they say nothing, draw weapons, attack or refuse he will let out a moan of agony and the party members must save vs Death Magic to avoid passing out (6 round duration) from fright. Those that do save are affected as per the Fear spell for 6 rounds after which time his spirit will fade back into the forest.
The Abbey of Erron's Tears
Once the party arrives at the other side of the Schwarzwald they will see the Abbey on a bluff above them. A waterfall cascades down the bluff at the northern edge of the Abbey grounds and a wheelhouse can be seen right along the water’s edge. The Abbey proper is a large stone fortification with a steep switchback trail leading to it. At the base of the bluff there is a pool of water with a black stone arch. The area below the bluff has been cleared of trees and brush for about 150 yards in an arc from pool to road. There is a stone stable built up against the rock face and a stone fence along the edge of the forest. The grass within the pasture is a healthy green. It appears there used to be more than just the two grazing cows. From pool side, if the party inspects the arch, they will see that water is going down an inclined stone sluice. From the other side of the arch only water is seen. With an Intelligence check the PCs will realize that the water is being gated to the Qidron waterworks.
Once the party has a chance to take in the view a priest, Brother Lucas, will approach them and offer to stable their steeds. After they dismount he advises them to climb to the Abbey proper while there is still some daylight left (it will be around an hour from sunset if they left at the proper time). If it is after sunset he will house them with him in the stable house. There he can offer a hot meal of vegetable stew, a glass of wine and a straw mat to sleep on. If they can make the climb to the Abbey they will get a hot meal of vegetable stew, a glass of wine and a down stuffed bed on which to sleep.
In the morning they will be summoned to the chamber of the Abbot. Abbot Richemond will offer them a simple breakfast of bread, cheese, butter and milk. After he has eaten and the party finishes their food he will explain why he summoned them. “A fortnight ago we had eighteen cows. As you saw for yourselves we now have but two. Over the last week alone we lost five to the goblins. Normally, we have no quarrel with them. We want you to find them and recover our cows.”
He will offer to pay them 10 silver pieces each. PCs who wish to haggle will get up to 20 silver pieces each, but at the conclusion of the adventure he will not offer them the map and scroll case mentioned earlier. Once payment assurances are made the heroes will be allowed to travel through the woods to find the goblins. Unless they take any rented horses with them they will be sent back to Xardon. PCs with Tracking proficiency can easily follow the trail of the goblins for 1 mile from the Abbey. Beyond that they will need to check every hour to avoid losing the trail and having to backtrack. A critical failure means they follow a trail which leads them back to the Abbey. They should still check to keep that trail with a second critical failure, meaning they are hopelessly lost and will find the road in 1d3 hours of searching. After the party successfully makes 6 checks they will encounter the goblins.
Should the party travel at night through the forest they will hear the snarls and howls of wolves with all sorts of strange noises coming from just outside their field of vision, if the DM wishes, have them encounter an orc hunting party or pack of dire wolves.
The Bloodhand Schwarzwald
If the PCs do not take care to be stealthy they will be ambushed by the twelve goblin warriors. At which time the goblins will ask the party to surrender their weapons. The goblins will not attempt to kill the party, just subdue them if they take hostile action. Their Morale in this encounter is considered to be 20 due to the large group of helpless women and children they are protecting.
If the PCs are stealthy they will avoid the goblin warriors and instead get to the goblin encampment of about a hundred women and children. The children will flee from the party and the women will cower. 3 rounds after the party makes their presence known the goblin warriors will return.
All of the cows stolen from the Abbey are present, one is being milked and the rest are happily chewing grass. The warriors will not return the cows unless the PCs agree to clear out the goblin warren. When they return to the encampment with proof of the undead being slain, the goblins will allow the party to have the cows.
The Goblin Warren
Encounters with undead should consist of two skeletons and one zombie per PC. The DM will need to keep track of how many have fallen to the party. When they reach the throne room (area 5) the party will face the bugbear skeletons and giant skeleton. The giant skeleton will use his Fireball on the party once he reaches ½ his normal hp or all of the bugbear skeletons are defeated.
The goblin warren is booby trapped with 4d6 traps at random locations that the goblins will not reveal to the PCs. There will be any of the following: Cave-in trap, Spiked pit trap, Spiked spring trap or Mud slide trap. Should the DM want to add another more devious trap they are welcome to do so. Any traps encountered have a 1 in 3 chance of having been tripped by the undead. In which case the group will find 2d4 skeletons and 1d4 zombies lying dead in the area. If the DM thinks that the adventurers are having too easy a time the undead in these areas can be still active.
Warrens of the Bloodhand Schwarzwald |
Once the party kills the undead they must bring the Great Club Headcrusher (from area 6) back to the encampment and give it to the goblins. The goblins will then take their families home to verify it is safe, then let the party have the cows.
1) Cave Entrance. The warren entrance is normally concealed by vegetation and has three newly abandoned outlook posts in nearby trees. Beyond shredded vegetation at the entrance there are thirty skeleton remains, a dozen zombie corpses each and fifteen goblin corpses. Some of the zombies are still attached to the three recently tripped spiked spring traps.
2) This series of passages is an area where the goblins grow several varieties of fungus. It is warm, humid and has a hot spring deep in the back of the northern passage. Any of the monstrous types of fungus have already been slain by zombies, their corpses litter the area.
3) This passage has an altar to the god Berrish. It is a grotesque affair with the snarling visage of an overlarge goblin with four arms, two of which end in three fingered tentacles holding a wheel of cheese. The altar is stained with the blood of innumerable sacrifices. The idol is emanating waves of humid heat. There are mushrooms all around the altar and several heads of small animals. The ruby eyes of the altar are the only light source which creates an atmosphere of dread in anyone not of Evil alignment. If the PCs disturb the altar or try to steal the ruby eyes they will be stopped by an overwhelming dread that drives them away from the altar (no Save allowed). There are no undead in this area.
4) This portion of the warren is a large central area where special underground species of cows and goats would normally graze. Due to the influx of the undead the livestock are dead. Strewn around their corpses are the goblin herders who protected them and several slain undead.
5) This passage houses the finished cheeses of the Bloodhand Schwarzwald. The cheese wheels are labeled, anyone who can read Goblin or on a successful Read Languages roll will know what they are. In the back of the cavern there is a floor to ceiling pile of rubble that used to be an exit. The tribe's wealth is also stored in this area.
9,000 copper pieces 7 Cheese of Healing 4 Large Chest
2,000 bronze pieces 3 Cheese of Extra-Healing 4 Good Dwarfish Lock
6) This is the throne room, it is where the final battle takes place. Once the party has entered the throne room a portcullis will drop behind them and will not let them out until they are in possession of Headcrusher and can find the hidden release mechanism. The throne has 1 large poor quality Bloodstone worth 63 gold pieces.
Once the party returns the cows they will get their reward from the Abbot and are free to go back to Qidron to spend their money. If the party has not run into Old Man Zachary on their way to the Abbey have them run into him on their way out (again if it is during the night). For observant or curious PCs all of the skeletons and zombies were created from orc corpses. With research, or a knowledgeable PC, they can learn that it requires strong magics to make giant skeletons. Some PCs will want to investigate who made and sent the undead in the first place!
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