The Baton of Toscanini
Within this small wand-like device hides a great power. If there are fewer than five musical instruments no magic emanates from the baton. When it is within the presence of at least five musical instruments (there is no upper limit to the number of instruments or musicians the baton can affect) the powers of the baton of Toscanini activate. If there are any creatures about with the ability to play the instruments present the baton will compel them to pick the instruments up and play them at the wielder’s commands, given by waving the baton about. Ability to play the instruments is defined as having appendages and/or orifices that can manipulate the instruments in the proper manner.
The main powers of the Baton of Toscanini are to compel musicians to play music that the wielder chooses them to play. The wielder need not have any musical proficiency or knowledge, the baton provides them skill. The victims also need not have musical proficiency as the actions of the batons wielder gives them the commands to follow and they are performed with perfect acumen. The baton also causes all creatures able to see or hear the music to stop any activity they were performing, to then listen and watch the musicians and conductor until performance is completed. The performance can be as short or long as the owner chooses, usually defined as 5 rounds to an hour (DMs discretion).
Anyone commanded by the baton of Toscanini is allowed a saving throw vs. Wand to resist. This save is modified by the following: If the victim has proficiency with musical instruments of any kind they save at a -1 penalty; If the victim has proficiency with any of the available musical instruments they save at a -4 penalty; If the victim is a Bard they save at an additional -4 penalty. Wisdom score bonuses will apply to the saving throw. If the victim is an Elf (non-Drow) they must make a magic resistance roll versus the wand’s charm, but it is reversed. Meaning that they are only 10% resistant to the Baton of Toscanini. Additionally, their saving throw is at an additional -4 penalty to those listed above. Any other fey creatures will have an additional -2 penalty (pixies, satyr, centaur, etc.). Any creature that saves must make an additional saving throw each round they are within range (1 yard per HD or level of the wielder, doubled if they already posses a musical proficiency) of the baton’s wielder.
Those who are within the range of the musical effects are also allowed a saving throw vs. Wands. Those with musical knowledge (i.e. proficiencies in singing, chanting, instruments, etc.) save at a -2 penalty. Bards save at an additional -4 penalty. Also, elfen and fey creatures save as per those commanded to perform. Wisdom bonuses still apply to the saving throw. The saving throw must be made every round that the creatures are within range of the music (as defined by the DM). all those that fail the save will completely stop other activities to watch and listen, this includes combat. If the PCs wish to have their characters do something that is not disruptive of the performance, such as dancing or singing, then other NPCs may follow suit.
The baton of Toscanini does affect undead as well as living creatures. As long as the undead has the ability to see or hear it will be affected. Undead save at their HD and are still beholden to the above modifiers to the saving throw.
When the performance is completed, the magic of the baton releases those affected by it, it will become inactive again for at least a day. The baton has other abilities as well. When it becomes active the wielder can choose to have the music effect the audience with any emotion that can be conveyed through music. This effect will continue for 2d4 hours after the performance ends. The affected creatures will act accordingly to the prevalent emotion conveyed.
So, for example, the wielder wants to convey a sense of solemnity and peace to a group of goblins that were attacking before the performance. The goblins failed their save and observed the performance and then afterwards would feel overwhelming peace and solemnity. At which point the DM decides their actions, goblins being LE creatures would likely just return to their warrens without continuing the attack.
The Baton of Toscanini cannot be destroyed by any normal means, it is also completely immune to fire, acid, lightning and disintegration. Wish and similar like abilities cannot destroy it but will cause it to disappear and be sent to another place on the same plane of existence.
The baton is intelligent but does not speak any language other than that of music. It is not given an intelligence score as its mind is too alien to be defined by that measure. The baton’s alignment is best defined as Neutral, also due to its alien mind. The baton does not control the owner in the same manner that it compels the musicians and audience. It merely releases the potential within the wielder and gives it musical form. Should the DM decide to have the Baton of Toscanini leave the current owner it will just teleport itself to another location, it is intelligent after all.