The Almoners Bag of Benevolence allows the owner to give alms to the poor. For the item to work the owner must be of a Good alignment and place a gemstone in the bag. They are then able to pull out 100th of the GP value of the stone in alms.
For example, if a 5,000 GP gem is placed in the Almoners Bag. The owner can pull out up to 5,000 CP. They can only pull out up to ten CP at a time and it must be given as alms to a specific individual or the money disappears before it can be used in any other manner.
If the owner is a Priest, all recipients of alms are granted a small blessing allowing them to get the best deal for purchasing necessities such as food or medicine for any ailments. If the owner is a Priest of a power of Charity then the alms grant the recipient a greater blessing, of the DMs choosing.
There is a 10% chance that when first found the Almoners Bag may be an evil version.
The Almoners Bag of Malevolence works similarly as its good counterpart. The owner can be of any alignment. They still place a gemstone in the bag, then they can pull out one 10th of the value of the gemstone in alms, a 5,000 GP gem for up to 5,000 SP.
The recipient of alms from this bag are given a minor curse. Of the DMs choosing, such as a streak of bad luck or contracting a disease.
If the owner is a Priest of any evil Power the curses will be more powerful, at DM discretion. Using the Almoners Bag of Malevolence will shift the owner's alignment towards Evil.